Course 2
Historical Notes
Pioneers of Modern Childbirth

歷史記載 3


格蘭特雷·迪克-瑞德 (Grantley Dick-Read1890-1959), 英國產科醫生,他認為分娩期間的大多數疼痛是由於不必要的肌肉緊張所導致的結果。他創造了自然分娩法"natural childbirth"),其方法是訓練(產婦)在身心方面都得到放鬆。

費爾南·拉馬茲(Fernand Lamaze 1890-1957), 法國產科醫生,他發展出一種叫訓練分娩法"educated childbirth",也叫心理助產法——譯者注),並得到了廣泛的效仿。這種方法基於分娩為遭遇壓力的假定所設計,並且把產婦積極參與分娩的準備作為最好的應對措施。

羅伯特·布蘭得利(Robert Bradley 1917-1998), 美國產科醫生,他發展出丈夫教練分娩法"husband coached childbirth")。這個方法運用強化訓練課程,讓丈夫指導孕期的妻子學會放鬆。課程所花費的時間遠比心理助產法所需時間長,可是許多夫婦卻樂此不疲。該分娩法的目的是通過放鬆的指導活動,拉近孕期的妻子與丈夫身體和精神上的距離,而在妻子分娩時不使用任何藥物。(毋庸置疑,將它稱為父親教練分娩法更為客觀,因為並不是所有孩子的父親就是其母親的丈夫,反之亦然)。

弗瑞德瑞克·勒博耶 (Frédéric Leboyer1921-1986), 法國產科醫生,他提出了一種叫無蠻力分娩法"birth without violence",也叫勒博耶分娩法——譯者注)。這種將焦點集中在孩子的方法旨在維持分娩的自然過程。自然狀態下,胎兒已經習慣于生活在母親的子宮內:在幽暗和靜寞的環境中與母親保持著接觸。所以,產房被設置成幽暗氣氛,一盆溫暖的清水等待著小寶寶,全體醫務人員被要求保持安靜。在這種氛圍下,寶寶安靜地誕生了,睜著大大的眼睛,發出咯咯的歡快聲。然後,他們立即被置於母親的肚皮上,其臍帶仍保持著完整,直到他們的呼吸順暢時才被割斷。過一會兒,寶寶得到母親溫柔地按摩,繼而被浸浴在溫水裏。考慮到新生兒的嬌弱特性,整個分娩程式的目的是減少分娩損傷


Historical Notes 3

Pioneers of Modern Childbirth
Modern childbirth was made possible by pioneering physicians. Some of them are:

Grantley Dick-Read (1890-1959), a British obstetrician, who believed that most of the pain during delivery was the result of unnecessary muscular tension. His method of "natural childbirth" was designed to produce relaxation through training in the proper physical and mental attitude.

Fernand Lamaze (1890-1957), a French obstetrician, developed the method of "educated childbirth". It  has gained a wide following. This method rests on the assumption that labor is a situation of stress, and that the woman's active participation is the best way of coping with it.

Robert Bradley (1917-1998), an American obstetrician, developed the method of "husband coached childbirth". This method uses an extensive training course in which the future mother learns to relax under the guidance of the father. The course takes much longer than the one used in the Lamaze method, but many parents a,e enthusiastic about it. The aim is a new physical and psychological closeness between mother and father and a birth without the use of drugs of any kind. (It would undoubtedly be more objective to call this method "father coached childbirth" since not all fathers are husbands and not all mothers are wives.)

Frédéric Leboyer (1921-1986), a French obstetrician, introduced a new method called "birth without violence". This method, which focuses on the child, is aimed at maintaining the natural processes with which the fetus has lived inside the mother's womb: darkness, silence, contact with the mother. Therefore, the delivery room is only dimly lit, a bath of warm water is prepared, and the medical staff is trained to perform quietly. In these surroundings, the babies are born quiet, wide eyed, and gurgling happily. They are then immediately placed on their mother's stomach. The umbilical cord is left intact and is cut only when breathing has been well established. For a while, the mother gently massages her child who is subsequently bathed in warm water. The entire procedure is aimed at lessening the "birth trauma" and takes into account that the newborn child is a highly sensitive person.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Historical Notes] [Modern Childbirth] [Labor and Delivery] [After Delivery] [Lactation] [Sexual Intercourse] [Infertility] [Contraception] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]