Techniques of Coitus 3

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior

2. Heterosexual Intercourse: Genital Intercourse


Coitus in a sitting position
This small Chinese porcelain figure shows the man performing coitus from behind (lat. a tergo).
Qing Dynasty, late 19th century.
Courtesy China Sex Museum, Tongli

Techniques of Coitus 3
As man and woman continue their coitus, they usually accelerate their pelvic thrusting and aim for a deeper penetration of the vagina. Sometimes only one partner executes all these movements, while the other remains relatively passive; at other times, both partners move together. Furthermore, within their general rhythmic pattern, they may greatly vary their thrusts from deep to shallow, and they may also let the penis rotate deep inside the vagina by a circular forward and back motion of their hips.
Only experience can teach a particular couple how to derive the greatest pleasure from coitus, but if they are sensitive to each other's reactions, they will soon learn how to satisfy each other best. After all,
coitus is, above everything else, an intimate interaction of two individuals, and no expert technical advice can ever help them as much as direct and open communication. The woman especially should never be afraid to tell the man exactly how she likes to be stimulated, and she should realize that she acts in their mutual interest when she abandons herself to her own sexual feelings. While a man may want to retain some control over the timing of his orgasm, a woman never needs to hold back. She can continue to have orgasms as long as he can keep his erection.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]