Course 3
How to use it
Problems in Females
Problems in Males
Additional Reading
Additional Reading
參考讀物/Additional Reading
I. 我們的線上圖書館 (In Our Online Library)
我們的線上圖書館裏,有各種各樣的書籍和論文,它們提供的參考資訊給上我們這門課的學生們以很好的幫助。因為這些書籍和論文由各個時期不同學科的作者所編 寫,它們偶爾在術語的使用上也有差異,甚至使用了一些過時的、不恰當的術語與表達方式。但是,這些參考書籍和論文始終未超出本課程的基本內容。

The various books and papers in our online library provide additional information that may be useful to students of our curriculum. Since the texts were written by different authors at different times, they occasionally also differ in their terminology and, in some cases, even use obsolete or inappropriate terms and expressions. Nevertheless, they can still round out the basic content of this course.

如果您欲尋求參考讀物,我們推薦本網站線上圖書館百科全書中的一些文章如下/For additional reading, recommend some articles from an encyclopedia in our online library:

  1. Haeberle, Bullough and Bullough, eds.
    人類性學:百科全書/ Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia
    癌與性/Cancer and Sexuality
    包皮環切-男性:對人類的性的效應/Circumcision - Male: Effects upon Human Sexuality
    殘障與性/ Disabilities and Sexuality
    生理殘障與性行為/ Physical Disabilities and Sex

我們也推薦/We also recommend:

  1. Charles Moser:
    General Medical Care of the Gender Dysphoric Patient
  2. Hazel Glenn Beh and Milton Diamond:
    Surgical Treatment of Infants with Ambiguous Genitalia:
    Deficiencies in the Standard of Care and Informed Consent
  3. Milton Diamond and Linda Ann Watson:
    男性性激素失敏綜合征和Klinefelter綜合征:性與性別的考慮因素    Androgen insensitivity syndrome and ’s syndrome: sex and gender considerations
  4. Milton Diamond and Hazel Glenn Beh:
    有出錯的權利:性與性別決定  The Right To Be Wrong: Sex and Gender Decisions
  5. Milton Diamond and H. Keith Sigmundson:
    出生時的性別指派:長期觀察與臨床含意  Sex Reassignment at Birth: A Long Term Review and Clinical Implications
  6. Milton Diamond:
    畸形生殖器與受損生殖器小兒科處理  Pediatric Management of Ambiguous and Traumatized Genitalia
  7. Kenneth Kipnis and Milton Diamond:
    小兒科倫理與性別外科手術指派  Pediatric Ethics and the Surgical Assignment of Sex
  8. Milton Diamond:
    隨著年齡增長的性、性別及其性別認同:一種正在改變的觀點  Sex, gender, and identity over the years: a changing perspective
  9. Hazel Glenn Beh and Milton Diamond:
    正暴露出 來的倫理與醫學的兩難選擇:醫生應該對畸形生殖器施行性別指派嗎?   An Emerging Ethical and Medical Dilemma: Should Physicians Perform Sex Assignment on Infants with Ambiguous Genitalia?
  10. Hazel Glenn Beh and Milton Diamond:
    青春期與成年期有關治療性別認同不一致的倫理關懷:來自於澳洲家庭法庭的教訓    Ethical  Concerns Related to Treating Gender Nonconformity in Childhood and Adolescence: Lessons from the Family Court of Australia

II. 友情鏈結 (External Links)
本教程其中的某些內容已經含有友情鏈結,這些鏈結就特殊的主題會提供更詳盡的資訊或知識。我們在此添加了這樣的友情鏈結目錄。正如我們會看到的那樣,它們 並沒有整齊劃一的格式、內容和觀點。許多友情鏈結的內容提供給我們的是客觀的科學資訊,而剩下來的友情鏈結內容是一些反映宣導者特殊目標和關心話題的文章 或著作。一些友情鏈結的文獻有意地挑起論爭,並且相當多的文獻相互觀點差異極大。簡而言之,本教程提供的友情鏈結的文獻並不必定表達了本教程的作者的觀點(另見我們的免責聲明)。顯而易見,這些友情鏈結網站的內容是其作者為之負責的作品,本性學資料庫並不為之承擔任何責任。不過,總體來看,這些網站有利於激發課堂討論和加深學生對所涉及問題的複雜性的理解。在本科階段就注意到這一點可能尤其適合。

  1. 女性健康保健
  2. 男性健康保健
  3. 性別、跨性者和中間性問題
  4. 性別、疾病與殘障

Some of our courses already contain external links that offer more detailed information on specific subjects. Here we add extended lists of such links. As will be seen, they do not present a unified picture. Many provide objective scientific information, but others are the work of advocacy groups reflecting their specific goals and concerns. Some are deliberately polemical, and quite a few disagree with each other. In short, our external links do not necessarily express the views of the author of this course, and listing them here does not imply an endorsement (see also our Disclaimer). Obviously, the content of these external sites is the work of their authors for which the Archive for Sexology accepts no responsibility. However, taken together, the sites can be useful in stimulating classroom discussion and in deepening the students’ understanding of the complexity of the issues involved. Taking note of them may be especially appropriate at the graduate level.

  1. Women's Health
  2. Men's Health
  3. Gender, Transgender, and Intersex Issues
  4. Sex, Illnesses, and Disability

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Problems in Males] [Intersexuality] [Additional Reading] [Examination]