Course 2
A Complex Issue
Historical Notes
Public Policies
Demand for Contracp.
Moral Dilemma




 A Complex Issue

There are now many public and private groups and organizations, such as Planned Parenthood or students' health services, which offer contraception to unmarried minors. Indeed, it seems that teenagers and young adults need such help more than anybody else. Although they are sexually mature, they often have to wait many years before they can get married and support a family. Many of them are still confused about their own feelings, needs, and objectives in life. Very often they do not know enough or do not care enough about contraception. Some young people actually like to gamble in the hope that nature will decide for them, and that a pregnancy, if it should occur, would somehow bring some purpose and order to their lives.They may secretly hope that a baby of their own may prove their independence from their parents, or that it may help them to "get even" with somebody else. Some girls deliberately deceive their boy friends and try to get pregnant in order to force them into marriage or at least a steady relationship. Most organizations that counsel teenagers about contraception are well aware of these problems. They are, therefore, not content with simply dispensing contraceptive devices, but try to spell out the alternatives and encourage responsible behavior. For this reason, they often invite boys and girls together for a personal discussion. This approach also makes it clear that contraception is always the responsibility of both sexual partners, Remember:
Every child should be a wanted child.
Unwanted pregnancies can be prevented by the careful use of contraception.
Contraception is the responsibility of both sexual partners.
Not every contraceptive method is equally effective or suitable for everyone.
No contraceptive method can work unless used properly.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]