Course 2
True or False
Multiple Choice
Short Essays
Long Esays
Short Essays
  1. 避孕的歷史。
  2. 流產的歷史。
  3. 人的生命從什麼時候開始?
  4. 激素避孕方法。
  5. 自然避孕與人工避孕方法。
  6. 討論希波克拉底誓約
  7. 討論發明現代分娩方法的先驅及其貢獻
  8. 辨別贊成生命贊成選擇的立場
  9. 討論不孕/不育的各種原因
  10. 描述多胞妊娠的不同類型
  1. 討論不孕/不育的各種原因
  2. 討論各種人工授精的方法
  3. 19世紀:誰堅持傳播避孕知識,為什麼傳播?
  4. 自然避孕與人工避孕之間的差別是什麼?
  5. 列舉和討論妊娠的假定徵象、可能徵象和可靠徵象。
  6. 評論術語產後抑鬱症
  7. 討論瑪格麗特·桑格在避孕史上的作用
  8. 珀爾指數是什麼?
  9. 討論湯瑪斯·馬爾薩斯的人口思想在歷史中的作用
  10. 列舉並討論3個與妊娠有關的可能症狀
  1. 討論人口限制與家庭限制的問題
  2. 敘述避孕套的簡史
  3. 描述最通用的避孕方法
  4. 描述懷孕的3個主要時期
  5. 描述分娩的3個產程
  6. 描述醫院分娩家庭分娩的利弊
  7. 評論現時與將來世界人口的增長
  8. 討論與避孕有關的各種各樣流行術語
  9. 討論非計畫的、不受歡迎的和非意願妊娠
  10. 討論非意願妊娠為什麼發生的原因。
Topics for Short Essays: 6 out of 10
Choose 6 out of the 10 topics below and write a short essay on each of the chosen topics.
Total available time: 3 hrs.
  1. History of contraception.
  2. History of abortion.
  3. When does human life begin?
  4. Hormonal methods of contraception.
  5. ”Natural” and “artificial” means of contraception.
  6. Discuss the Hippocratic oath
  7. Discuss three pioneers of modern childbirth and their contributions
  8. Characterize the positions of "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice"
  9. Discuss various causes of infertility
  10. Describe different types of multiple pregnancy
  1. Discuss various causes of infertility
  2. Describe the various methods of "artificial insemination"
  3. In the 19th century: Who resisted the spread of contraceptive knowledge and why?
  4. What is the difference between "natural" and "artificial" contraception?
  5. List and discuss the presumptive, probable, and reliable signs of pregnancy.
  6. Comment on the term "baby blues".
  7. Discuss the role of Margaret Sanger in the history of contraception
  8. What is the "Pearl index"?
  9. Discuss the role of Thomas Malthus in the history of ideas
  10. List and discuss three possible problems related to pregnancy
  1. Discuss the issues of limiting populations and limiting families
  2. Give a brief history of the condom
  3. Describe the most common methods of abortion
  4. Describe the three main stages of conception
  5. Describe the three stages of childbirth
  6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of "hospital birth" vs. "home birth"
  7. Comment on the present and future growth of the world population
  8. Discuss the various current terms referring to contraception
  9. Discuss unplanned, unwelcome, and unwanted pregnancies
  10. Describe some of the reasons why unwanted pregnancies occur

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination] [True or False] [Multiple Choice] [Short Essays] [Long Esays]