






Physical Problems in Females


It is not known how many women are affected by PMS. Estimates vary widely, because in many cases the symptoms are rather mild. However, it seems that 5 -10% of menstruating women experience symptoms severe enough to require treatment. Mild cases of PMS can usually be improved by adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet that avoids heavy meals as well as cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine and sugary foods. Some home remedies and taking a daily dose of multivitamins may help as well. It is also very usful to keep a menstrual diary for several periods, writing down which symptoms appear on which days. This will help the woman to anticipate her PMS and thus to give her some control over it. Moreover, if she should need to consult a doctor, such a diary will provide valuable clues. In any case, the woman needs to understand her own condition and also tell her family and friends about it, so that she can plan her working and recreation schedules accordingly. More serious cases of PMS and, of course, PMDD may be alleviated by certain medications after a careful examination and under close supervision by a specialist.

经前期综合征日志          PMS Diary

In order to become aware of her premenstrual problems, a woman can keep a diary in which she enters her symptoms on the days they appear. The degree of severity can be indicated by a simple slash (mild) or a cross (severe). A diary like this may allow the woman to gain some control over her PMS.

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Clitoral Adhesions] [PMS] [Lower Abdominal Pain] [Problems in Males] [Intersexuality] [Additional Reading] [Examination]