Possible Complications




外阴侧切术(episiotomy: 常常胎儿头部露出来时,会有撕裂阴道口的危险。对于这种情况,医生会对外阴做侧切(episiotomy),以防止外阴撕裂。切口很容易缝合并且不久便会愈合。

臀先露(Breech presentation: 当胎儿的足和臀部先暴露时(而不是通常那样的头部先暴露),就可能发生另外的问题,医学上称为臀先露。臀先露可能会延长产程和对胎儿有些许危险。

淋病预防(Gonorrhea prophylaxis: 对于宝宝可能的危险是眼睛淋菌感染。为了预防这种感染,每一个新生儿的双眼都要用硝酸银溶液滴眼。

剖腹产(Caesarain section: 在一些罕见的病例里,由于各种各样的原因,不能正常分娩,就需要进行剖腹生产了。这就意味着医生要在胎儿娩出到阴道之前,需要切开腹壁和子宫,取出胎儿。剖腹产在英文里叫恺撒切割(Caesarain section,引自朱利叶斯恺撒的传说,因为他是以这种方式诞生的。


Labor and Delivery

Possible Complications
Giving birth is a normal function of the female body. Most dangers and complications popularly associated with childbirth belong to the past. Usually they were caused not by the delivery itself, but by the primitive and unsanitary circumstances under which it took place. A modern woman who has been consulting her doctor throughout the pregnancy and who gives birth with expert assistance has no reason to fear serious problems. Possible difficulties can now be handled quickly and effectively.

Need for episiotomy: Very often the pressure of the appearing fetus threatens to tear the vaginal opening. In these cases, the doctor makes a small incision (an episiotomy) to prevent such a tear. The incision is easily repaired with some stitches and heals within a short time.

Breech presentation: Another problem may arise when the baby's feet or buttocks appear first (instead of the head as in most cases). This so called breech presentation may prolong the process of delivery and can be somewhat risky to the baby.

Gonorrhea prophylaxis: A possible risk for all babies is an eye infection with gonorrhea. In order to prevent such infections, the eyes of each newborn infant are treated with a solution of silver nitrate.

Caesarain section: In some rare cases, a normal delivery may be impossible for one reason or another, and a Caesarean section may become necessary. This means that the doctor cuts through the abdomen into the uterus to remove the baby before it passes through the vagina. The term "Caesarean section" refers to the legend that Julius Caesar was born in this fashion.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Historical Notes] [Modern Childbirth] [Labor and Delivery] [After Delivery] [Lactation] [Sexual Intercourse] [Infertility] [Contraception] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]