A First Revolution in Childbirth


历史记载 2


直到进入到19世纪末期,许多妇女仍然在分娩中或分娩后不久卒命。甚至在医生照护的医院里,年轻产妇的死亡率也非常的高。直到1847年这种状况才有改观。当时,一个名叫Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-65)的奥地利内科医生发现恐怖的产褥热(childbed fever)”的缘由是产房里缺乏卫生条件,在那里医生首先没有洗手和对手进行消毒处理就给产妇进行检查。因此,他命令他的学生在接触病人之前去洗洗手。因而,在他的病房里他能够减少产妇的死亡率。

尽管有如此的效果,他发现支持者少而怀疑者多。他的学生和同事不久便忘记了他的忠告,他甚至被解聘了大学职位。从那时以后,他在佩斯 (现今为布达佩斯的一部分))的大学仍就实践着(他的医疗方法),却还没有获得足够的承认。他于47岁时卒于一个精神病院。可是在最后,他的发现被人证实和被广泛接受。因而,这位医学先驱以母亲的拯救者而知名。


Historical Notes 2

A First Revolution in Childbirth
Until well into the 19th century many women died in childbirth or shortly thereafter. Even in hospitals under the care of physicians the mortality of young mothers was very high. It was not until 1847 that an Austrian physician, Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-65), discovered that the source of the feared "childbed fever" was the lack of hygiene inside the maternity wards, where doctors examined the mothers without washing and disinfacting their hands first. He therefore instructed his students to wash their hands every time before touching the patients, and thus he was able to reduce the number of maternal death in his ward.

In spite of this, he found little support and much disbelief. His students and colleagues soon forgot his advice, and he was even fired from his university position. Thereafter, he practiced at the university of Pest (today part of Budapest), still without much recognition. He died in an insane asylum at the age of 47. In the long run, however, his discovery was confirmed and generally accepted. Thus, this medical pioneer became known as the "savior of mothers".

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Historical Notes] [Modern Childbirth] [Labor and Delivery] [After Delivery] [Lactation] [Sexual Intercourse] [Infertility] [Contraception] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]