Course 4
Chlamydia I
Gonorrhea I
Trichomoniasis I
Syphilis I
Syphilis II
Syphilis III
Syphilis IV
Chancroid I
Granuloma I
Lymphogranuloma I
Syphilis I
能治癒性傳播疾病-傳染   Curable STDs-Infections
梅毒 I (俗稱:楊梅瘡 )

The bacterium causing syphilis
(lat. treponema pallidum)

1. 它是什麼?
梅毒,民間稱為楊梅瘡 (Syphilis,有時也稱 lues)是一種危險的細菌傳染病。梅毒通常通過性接觸傳播,但是已感染的母親在分娩前和分娩中也能傳染給她的嬰兒。

2. 它由什麼所引起?
梅毒由一種叫螺旋菌,或用科學術語蒼白螺旋體treponema pallidum)感染所引起。病菌的形狀類似螺旋或酒瓶開塞鑽,它由德國細菌學家F.施奧丁恩於1905年發現。

3. 它如何傳播?
梅毒也能夠從已感染的孕婦血液直接傳染給胎兒。許多被感染的胎兒要麼是死產,要麼出生不久就夭折了。受感染的新生兒必須立即得到治療[(對於這種病例,醫生稱其為先天梅毒 (congenital syphilis or
lues connata)]。

Syphilis or Lues I (popular names: siff, pox, bad blood)

1. What is it?
Syphilis (sometimes also called lues) is a dangerous bacterial infection. It is usually transmitted through sexual contact, but can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby before or during birth.

2. What causes it?
Syhilis is caused by a bacterium called a spirochete or, with its scientific name,
treponema pallidum. Its shape resembled that of a spiral or corkscrew, and it was discovered by the German bacteriologist Fritz Schaudinn in 1905.

3. How is it transmitted?
Syphilis can be transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sexual contact, and even through kissing. The bacteria spread from the infected person’s open sores, skin lesions or rashes to the uninfected partner through tiny, invisible breaks in the skin or mucous membranes. From there, the bacteria enter the lymph nodes and the bloodstream, spreading rapidly throughout the body.
Syphilis can also be transmitted from the bloodstream of an infected pregnant woman directly into the bloodstream of her unborn baby. Many such babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth. An infected newborn must be treated immediately. (In these cases, doctors speak of congenital syphilis or
lues connata).
Outside the human body, the syphilis bacteria cannot survive more than a few seconds. It is therefore practically impossible to contract syphilis from toilet seats, bath tubs, towels, bed linens, or other such objects.


[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Curable STDs] [Infections] [Infestations] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]