Course 4
Pubic Lice I
Scabies I
Scabies II
Scabies I
Curable STDs - Infestations

引起疥瘡的蟎/The mite causing scabies
(lat. sarcoptes scabiei)

1. 它是什麼?

2. 它由什麼所引起?

3. 它如何傳播?

Scabies I

1. What is it?
A mite infestation which causes persistent itching of the skin.

2. What causes it?
A tiny mite not visible to the naked eye. The female burrows through the skin to lay her eggs, thus causing skin irritation.

3. How is it transmitted?
The mite causing scabies can be transferred from one person to another by sexual and other close physical contact, less likely through infested clothing or bed linen. Scabies is mainly a disease of people living together in cramped quarters.Thus, the transmission is not necessarily a sexual one.


[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Curable STDs] [Infections] [Infestations] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]