背景与目标  Background and Objectives

                历史背景     Historical Background
                根本原因     Rationale
                磋商目标     Consultation Objectives

概念框架   Conceptual Framework

                基本概念 Basic Concepts
                “*        Sex
                性*          Sexuality
                性健康    Sexual Health 
性权利    Sexual Health Concerns and Problems

性健康忧虑与性健康问题   Sexual Health Concerns and Problems            

               性健康忧虑   Sexual Health Concerns
               性健康问题  Sexual Health Problems

Actions and Strategies to Promote Sexual Health

              目标 1:促进性健康,包括消除对性健康的障碍
Goal 1.: Promote Sexual Health including the elimination of barriers to Sexual Health

             目标 2:大规模地为全区域人口提供全面的性教育
              Goal 2.: Provide comprehensive sexuality education to the population at large 

              目标 3:对工作在性健康相关领域的专业人员提供教育、培训和支持
Goal 3.: Provide education, training and support to professionals working in
              Sexual Health related fields

             目标 4:为全区域人口制定和提供他们有权使用的全面的性卫生保健服务
             Goal 4.: Develop and provide access to comprehensive Sexual Health care services
              to the population

             目标 5:促进与赞助在性和性健康领域的研究和评估,
             Goal 5.: Promote and sponsor research and evaluation in sexuality and Sexual Health,
             and the dissemination of the knowledge derived from it

附录 I.世界性学会性权利宣言 
Appendix I. - WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights

附录 II.性传播疾病的病因学分类
Appendix II. - Etiological Classification of Sexually Transmitted Infection

附录 III.全面的性教育特色
Appendix III. - Characteristics of Comprehensive Sexuality Education

附录 IV.性卫生保健专业人员培训课程 
Appendix IV. - Curriculum For The Training Of Health Professionals
In Sexual Health

      A. Sexual Health education for health professionals specializing in reproductive health programs

      B.专门从事性传播疾病与 HIV/AIDS预防和控制项目的专业人员性健康教育
B. Sexual Health education for professionals specializing in STI’s and HIV/AIDS-AIDS
          prevention and control programs

C. Sexual Health education and training for professionals specializing in sexology

 附录 V性健康信息资源
Appendix V. - Resources for Sexual Health

 致谢  Acknowledgements

中文翻译:彭晓辉(中国 武汉 华中师范大学生命科学学院,430079)完成时间:2006年3月
TranslatorXiaohui Peng (Life Science College of CCNU, Wuhan, 430079, China)
   对:吴敏伦(中国 香港 香港大学医学院)完成时间:2006年8月

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