Growing Up Sexually






ZORCAS (Caucaa Valley, Colombia)


IndexAmericasSouth AmericaColombiaZorcas



More: Cubeo, Embera, Alkatcho, Aritama, Tucano, Kagaba, Kogi





According to Beals (1961:p601)[1], after betrothal in infancy marriage was consummated at first menstruation, although betrothed infants “sleep together in the girls’ home”.









Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1] Beals, C. (1961) Sex life in Latin America, in Ellis, A. & Abarbanel, A. (Eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Sexual Behavior, Volume 2. London: W. Heinemann, p599-613