Growing Up Sexually



Lower Kutenai: 3,3+,3,3+,3+,3+;4,4

KUTENAI(North-American Natives)


More: Arapaho, Assiniboine, Athabascans, Blood/ Blackfoot, Cherokee, Chipewyans, Apache Chiricahua, Comanches, Crow, Dakota, Flathead, Gros Ventre, Hopi, Huron, Ingalik, Copper Inuit, Iñupiat, Iroquois, Kaska, Kiowa-Apache, Klamath, Kwakiutl, Lakota, Mohave, Mantagnais / Naskapi, Navajo, Nootka, Ojibwa, Omaha, Pawnee, Paiute, Point Barrow, Pomo, Powhatans, Qipi, Quineault, San Ildefonso, Seminole, Shoshone, Shuswap, Sioux, Tinglit, Ute, Yokuts, Yurok, Zuñi

See also: North-America Non-Natives



Turney-High (1941 [1969:p126])[1][60] states that chiefs agree that children’s chastity training is “complete” and effective. The rape of girls would not be met with positive punishment, since “if she had remained in her own lodge at night such a thing could not have taken place”. The rights and duties of marriage were lectured from age five or six (p131). Girls’ house-playing  (p118) nevertheless probably lacked an explicit element despite the general realism enforced by the mother.













Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. VolumeI. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Sept 2004


[1][60] Turney-High, H. H. (1941 [1969]) Ethnography of the Kutenai. New York: Kraus Reprint