Growing Up Sexually(Bibliographies)


18/Growing Up Nude and “The Primal Scene”


Main Index®Index Volume 3 ®Bibliography 18


Compiler’s Notes:


Small bibliography identifying (1) prevalence studies, (2) attitude studies, (3) subculture studies and (4) long-term effect studies of cross-generational nudity. See also bibliography 14.


See also a separate bibliography on The Primal Scene. After Freud, of notable importance are contributions by Myers, Hoyt, Okami et al. and Rosenfeld et al. Last revised Dec. 2004. It adds to chapter 10 on "Primal Knowledge" in Volume 2.


Note: this bibliography may be updated monthly.



·         Abramson, P. R., Moriuchi, K. D., Waite, M. S. & Perry, L. B. (1983) Parental attitudes about sexual education: cross-cultural differences and covariate controls, Arch Sex Behav 12,5:381-97

·         Casler, L. (1964) Some Sociopsychological Observations in a Nudist Camp: A Preliminary Study, J Social Psychol 64:307-23

·         Corgiat, C. A. & Templer, D. I. (2003) Relation of attitude toward body elimination to parenting style and attitude toward the body, Psychol Rep 92,2:621-6

·         De Benedictis, Tina. (1973) The Behavior of Young Primates During Adult Copulation. American Anthropologist October, Vol. 75 (5): 1469-1485.

·         de Ras, Marion E. P. (1988) Körper, Eros und weibliche Kultur: Mädchen im Wandervogel und in der Bündischen Jugend, 1900-1933. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft. Reihe Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 15. Dissertation Amsterdam, 1988

·         de Ras, Marion E. P. (forthc.) Body, Femininity and Nationalism. Girls in the German Youth Movement 1900-1935. London & New York: Routledge

·         Disimone-Weiss, R. (2000) Defining sexual boundaries between children and adults: A potential new approach to child sexual abuse prevention, DAI-B 60(8-B):4216

·         Esman, A. (1978) The primal scene: a review and a reconstruction, Psychoanal Study Child 28:49-81

·         Friedrich, W. N., Grambsch, P., Broughton, D., Kuiper, J. & Beilke, R. L. (1991) Normative sexual behavior in children, Pediatrics 88,3:456-64

·         Gardner, R. A. (1975) Exposing children to parental nudity, Medical Aspects Human Sexuality 9,6::99-100

·         Goldman, R. & Goldman, J. (1981b) Children’s perceptions of clothes and nakedness, Genet Psychol Monogr 104:163-85

·         Hibbard, R. A. & Hartman, G. (1990) Genitalia in human figure drawings: childrearing practices and child sexual abuse, J Pediatr 116,5:822-8

·         Hoyt, M. F. (1976) The Primal Scene: A Study of Fantasy and Perception Regarding Parental Sexuality. Unpubl. Doct. Diss.

·         Johnson, T. C. & Hooper, R. I. (2003) Boundaries and family practices: implications for assessing child abuse, J Child Sex Abuse 12,3-4:103-25

·         Lewis, M. (1992) Shame: The Exposed SelfNew York: The Free Press

·         Lewis, R. J. & Janda, L. H. (1988) The relationship between adult sexual adjustment and childhood experiences regarding exposure to nudity, sleeping in the parental bed, and parental attitudes toward sexuality, Arch Sex Behav17,4:349-62

·         Okami, P. (1995) Childhood Exposure to Parental Nudity, Parent-Child Co-sleeping, and 'Primal Scenes': A Review of Clinical Opinion and Empirical Evidence, J Sex Res 32,1:51-64

·         Okami, P., Olmstead, R., Abramson, P. & Pendleton, L. (1998) Early childhood exposure to parental nudity and scenes of parental sexuality ("primal scenes"): an 18-year longitudinal study of outcome, Arch Sex Behav 27,4:361-84

·         Oleinick, M. S., Bahn, A. K., Eisenberg, L. & Lilienfeld., A. M. (1966) Early Socialization Experiences and Intrafamilial Environment: A Study of Psychiatric Outpatient and Control Group Children, Arch General Psychia 15,4:344-53

·         Oostveen, J. M., Meulmeester, J. F. & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (1994) [Sexual behavior of young children], Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd [Dutch] 29;138,44:2200-4

·         Rosenfeld, A. et al. (1987) Family bathing patterns: implications for cases of alleged molestation and for pediatric practice, Pediatrics 79,2:224-9

·         Rosenfeld, A., B. Siegel-Gorelick, et al. (1984) Parental perceptions of children's modesty: a cross-sectional survey of ages two to ten years, Psychiatry 47,4: 351-65

·         Schiefenhövel, W. (1982) Kindliche Sexualität, Tabu und Schamgefühl bei "primitiven" Völkern, in Hellbrügge, Th. (Ed.) Die Entwicklung der Kindlichen Sexualität. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg, p145-63

·         Schliephake, G. (1980). "Einige Tendenzen bei der Einstellung von im Jugendalter stehenden Personen zur Freikorperkultur (gen. FKK), Arztliche Jugendkunde 71,5:374-82

·         Schoentjes, E., Deboutte, D. & Friedrich, W. (1999) Child sexual behavior inventory: A Dutch-speaking normative sample, Pediatrics 104 (4 Pt 1):885-93

·         Schuhrke, B. (1991a) Körperentdecken und psychosexuelle Entwicklung. Theoretische Überlegungen und eine Längsschnittuntersuchung im zweiten Lebensjahr. Regensburg: Roderer

·         Schuhrke, B. (1994a) Kindliche sexuelle Neugier in der Familie, in Schneider, N. F. (Ed.) Familie und Familienprobleme im Wandel. Dokumentation der Postersession der Europäischen Fachtagung zur Familienforschung/Bamberg [ Sonderheft 1]. Zeitschr f Familienforschung, p213-20

·         Schuhrke, B. (1994b) Kindliche sexuelle Neugier und deren Befriedigungsmöglichkeiten, in Laux, L. & Reinecker, H. (Eds.) Mit Leib und Seele. Psychologie in Bamberg. Forschungsforum. Berichte aus der Otto-Friedrich- Universität Bamberg, (6), p26-30

·         Schuhrke, B. (1998a) Die offene Toilettentür. Sexualität, Scham und Neugier in der Familie, Pro Familia Mag 26,3/4:18-20

·         Schuhrke, B. (1998b) Die Entwicklung kindlicher Körperscham, DGG Informationen zur Sexualpädagogik & Sexualerziehung 21,1/2:1 - 4

·         Schuhrke, B. (1998c) Kindliche Körperscham und familiale Schamregeln. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Interviewstudie, Forum Sexualaufklärung 2:9-13

·         Schuhrke, B. (1999) Scham, körperliche Intimität und Familie, Zeitschr f Familienforsch 11:59-83

·         Schuhrke, B. (2000) Young children's interest in other people's genitals, in Sandfort, Th. G. M. & Rademakers, J. (Eds.) Childhood sexuality. Normal sexual behavior and development. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press / J Psychol & Human Sexuality 12:27-48

·         Schuhrke, B. (2002a) The development of bodily privacy and shame in children and adolescents. IASR (InternationalAcademy of Sex Research) Conference, Hamburg, Germany (June 19-22)

·         Schuhrke, B. (2002b) Curiosity and Privacy: The Management of Children's  Sexual Interest in the Family, in M. Göttert & K. Walser (Eds.) Gender und soziale Praxis. Königstein/Ts.: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, p121-43

·         Schuhrke, B. [with collaboration of Rank, A., Stadler, A., Pinz, D. & Hildner, B.] (1998) Kindliche Körperscham und familiale Schamregeln. Eine Studie im Auftrag der BZgA/Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung. 7. unveränderte Auflage, Köln 2003: BZgA []

·         Smith, D. C., Sparks, W. & Kurstin-Young, C. (1986) The naked child: Growing up without shame. Los Angeles: Elysium Growth Press

·         Stephens, W. N. (1971) A cross-cultural study of modesty and obscenity, in Technical Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. Washington, US: Government Printing Office. Vol. 9, p405-51

·         Stephens, W. N. (1972) A cross-cultural study of modesty, Behav Sci Notes 7,1:1-28

·         Wyatt, G. E., Peters, S. D. & Guthrie, D. (1988) Kinsey revisited, Part II: Comparisons of the sexual socialization and sexual behavior of black women over 33 years, Arch Sex Behav 17,4:289-332




The Primal Scene


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  • Aberastury, A. (1970). "The importance of genital organization in the initiation of the early Oedipus complex." Revista de Psicoanalisis 27(1): 5-25.
  • Almansi, R. J. (1992). "Alfred Hitchcock's disappearing women: A study in scopophilia and object loss." International Review of Psycho Analysis 19(1): 81-90.
  • Alvim, F. (1985). "Nevrose d'angoisse ou nevrose primordiale. / Anxiety neurosis or primal neurosis." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 49(1): 355-366.
  • Andre, J. (1991). "Travail pictural, travail analytique. / Artistic work, analytic work." Psychanalyse a l'Universite 16(63): 35-47.
  • Anthi, P. R. (1982). "The Primal Scene in Sandemoses Murder Mysteries - Creativity in Writing and in Psychoanalytic Treatment." Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 5(1): 91-104.
  • Anthony, E. J. (1981). "Treatment of the paranoid adolescent." Adolescent Psychiatry 9: 501-527.
  • Ardain, A. (1988). "Claire, de l'interieur a l'exterieur d'une scene primitive. / Claire: From the inside to the outside of a primal scene." Patio 10:(Mar;): 109-117.
  • Arfouilloux, J. C. (1991). "L'interieur de ma Mere. / The inside of my mother's body." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 55(5): 1227-1235.
  • Arlow, J. A. (1978). "Pyromania and Primal Scene - Psychoanalytic Comment on Work of Mishima,Yukio." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 47(1): 24-51.
  • Arlow, J. A. (1980). "The Revenge Motive in the Primal Scene." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 28(3): 519-541.
  • Aron, L. (1995). "The internalized primal scene." Psychoanalytic Dialogues 5(2): 195-237.
  • Aron, L. (1995). "Retaining classical concepts--hidden costs: "The internalized primal scene": Reply to Schwartz." Psychoanalytic Dialogues 5(2): 249-255.
  • Aron, L. (2002). The internalized primal scene. Gender in psychoanalytic space: Between clinic and culture. Contemporary theory series. M. Dimen and V. Goldner. New York, NY, Other Press: 119-147.
  • Arthur, P. (1996). "Film-noir as primal scene + Ted Tetzlaff 1949 film, The 'Window'." Film Comment 32(5): 77-79.
  • Auerhahn, N. C. and D. Laub (1998). "The primal scene of atrocity - The dynamic interplay between knowledge and fantasy of the Holocaust in children of survivors." Psychoanalytic Psychology 15(3): 360-377.
  • Auerhahn, N. C. and D. Laub (1998). "The primal scene of atrocity: The dynamic interplay between knowledge and fantasy of the Holocaust in children of survivors." Psychoanalytic Psychology 15(3): 360-377.
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  • Baranger, W. (1952). "Depresion, introyeccion y creacion literaria en Marcel Proust. / Depression, introjection and literary creation in Marcel Proust." Revista de Psicoanalisis 9: 143-171.
  • Barros Ferreira, M. (1987). "Psychotherapie des immigres Portugais. / Psychotherapy with Portuguese immigrants." Evolution Psychiatrique 52(1): 209-229.
  • Basch, C. A. (1991). "Escena, tiempos del sujeto, deseo del analista. Comentarios lacanianos a "El hombre de los lobos." / Scene, times of the subject, desire of the analyst: Lacanian commentary on the Wolf Man." Revista de Psicoanalisis 48(3): 469-482.
  • Batail, J. (1997). "The Engineer's Thumb or Sherlock Holmes on the trail of 'the uncanny'." International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 78: 801-812.
  • Bauduin, A. (2001). "La repression, un defi a la repetition transferentielle? / Is repression a challenge to repetition in the transference?" Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 65(1): 145-162.
  • Berger, M. (2000). "Ko-Referat zu Rosine Josef Perelbergs Vortrag "Violence and sexuality in borderline men: The interplay between identifications and identity in the analysis of a violent patient." / Review of Rosine Josef Perelberg's article "Violence and sexuality in borderline men: The interplay between identifications and identity in the analysis of a violent patient."" Kinderanalyse 8(1): 24-40.
  • Bergman, D. (1985). "'Primal Scene'." Raritan-A Quarterly Review 4(4): 91.
  • Berman, L. E. (1985). "Primal scene significance of a dream within a dream." 66 ( Pt 1): 75-76.
  • Berman, L. E. A. (1985). "Primal Scene Significance of A Dream Within A Dream." International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 66: 75-76.
  • Berman, L. E. A. (1988). The role of the primal scene in the artistic works of Max Ernst. Psychoanalytic perspectives on art, Vol. 3. M. M. Gedo. Hillsdale, NJ, England, Analytic Press: 147-159.
  • Berman, E. (1989). "Gemeinschaftliche Erziehung im Kibbutz Verlockung und Risiken des psychoanalytischen Utopismus. / Communal child rearing in the kibbutz: Fascination and dangers of psychoanalytic utopianism." Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse 24: 190-213.
  • Bernstein, I. (1976). "Masochistic reactions in a latency-age girl." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 24(3): 589-607.
  • Bewell, A. J. (1983). "Wordsworth Primal Scene - Retrospective Tales of Idiots, Wild Children, and Savages." Elh-English Literary History 50(2): 321-346.
  • Bick, I. J. (1988). "Alien Within, Aliens Without - the Primal Scene and the Return to the Repressed." American Imago 45(3): 337-358.
  • Bick, I. J. (1989). "Aliens among us: a representation of children in science fiction." 37(3): 737-759.
  • Bick, I. J. (1998). "Back to the Future I and II: Re-creationism, repetition, and perversity in the time travel romance." Psychoanalytic Review 85(6): 909-930.
  • Biltz, R. (1936). "Psychogene Angina. / Psychogenic angina." Zentralbaltt fuer Psychotherapie Beihefte No. 1: 69.
  • Blass, H. (2002). "Das Bild des genuegend guten Vaters und die maennliche Faehigkeit, eine Frau achten zu koennen. / The image of the good enough father and the masculine capability for heterosexual love." Kinderanalyse 10(1): 62-92.
  • Blum, H. P. (1974). "The borderline childhood of the Wolf Man." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 22(4): 721-742.
  • Blum, H. P. (1979). "Concept and Consequences of the Primal Scene." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 48(1): 27-47.
  • Bokanowski, T. (1995). "La premiere seance de 'L'Homme aux Loups' / The 1st psychoanalytic session of 'The Wolf Man'." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 59(3): 745-756.
  • Bonaparte, M. (1935). "The murders in Rue Morgue." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 4: 259-293.
  • Bonaparte, M., R. M. Lowenstein, et al. (1993). Dreams and their multiple uses. Dream reader: Psychoanalytic articles on dreams. T. M. Alston and R. C. Calogeras. Madison, CT, International Universities Press: 3-74.
  • Braun, J. (1998). "Megaoferta: Ampliacion o restriccion de la sexualidad? / Megasupply: A broadening or a restriction of sexuality?" Revista de Psicoanalisis 55(3): 679-686.
  • Brette, F. (1986). "Refoulement et scenes originaires. / Repression and primal scenes." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 50(1): 383-390.
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  • Cavenar, J. O., J. L. Sullivan, et al. (1978). "Conscious Primal Scene Fantasies." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 166(7): 521-525.
  • Cerino, R. A. (1989). "Acerca de la aversion de Freud por la musica: Un intento de explicacion. / Regarding Freud's aversion to music: An attempt at an explanation." Revista de Psicoanalisis 46(2-3): 189-205.
  • Chaitin, G. (1976). "The voices of the dead: Love, death and politics in Zola's Fortune Des Rougon." Literature and Psychology 26(4): 148-158.
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  • Chasseguet Smirgel, J. (1987). "Intento fallido de una mujer por encontrar una solucion perversa. / A woman's attempt at a perverse solution and its failure." Revista de Psicoanalisis 44(4): 775-795.
  • Chasseguet Smirgel, J. and A. Goyena (1993). Core fantasy and psychoanalytic change. Psychic structure and psychic change: Essays in honor of Robert S. Wallerstein, M.D. M. J. Horowitz and O. F. Kernberg. Madison, CT, International Universities Press: 233-262.
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  • Colin Rothberg, D. (1981). "Inquietante etrangete. / The feeling of the uncanny." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 45(3): 559-567.
  • Corbett, K. (2001). "Nontraditional family romance." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 70(3): 599-624.
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  • Cosnier, J. (1985). "Masochisme feminin et destructivite. / Feminine masochism and destructivity." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 49(2): 551-568.
  • Costa, G. P. (1995). "A identificac8o e suas vicissitudes em relac8o com o carater histerico. / Identification and its vicissitudes in the hysterical character." Revista Brasileira de Psicanalise 29(2): 349-363.
  • Costis, L. (2001). "Alcune considerazioni sulle figure e le vicissitudini del "doppio" in adolescenza. / Some considerations on the roles and the vicissitudes of the "double" in adolescence." Richard e Piggle 9(1): 11-19.
  • Cournut, J. (1994). "Hows and Whys of the Primitive Scene." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 58(4): 969-981.
  • Cournut, J. (1994). "La tornade blanche (les comment et les pourquoi de la scene primitive). / The white tornado (the "hows" and "whys" of the primal scene)." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 58(4): 969-981.
  • Cournut Janin, M. (1990). "Les Travaux d'Isis, ou le Temps de la Reconstruction. / The labors of Isis: or The time for reconstruction." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 54(4): 923-930.
  • Courveur, C. (1991). "D'un trouble a un autre. (Response a Annette Frejaville). / From one trouble to another: Reply to Annette Frejaville." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 55(5): 1171-1175.
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  • Denis, P. (1993). "Fantasmes originaires et fantasme de la pedophilie paternelle. / Primal fantasies and fantasies of the father's pedophilia." Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 57(2): 607-612.
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  • Diatkine, R. (1991). "Et les fantasmes originaires? / And what about primal fantasies?" Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 55(5): 1059-1067.
  • Dillon Weston, M. (1997). From sado-masochism to shared sadness. (1997). A practical guide to forensic psychotherapy. Forensic focus, No. 3. E. V. Welldon. London, England, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Ltd: 166-171.
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Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Jun 2005