More: Arapesh,  Ari, Barano, Baruya, Binim-Kukusmin, Busama, Dani, Darabi, Dobu Isl., Eipo, Etoro, Foi, Gebusi, Huli, Jaquai, Kaluli, Keraki, Kewa, Kiwai, Koko, Kwoma, Lesu, Manus, Marind AnimNdumba, New Britain, New Ireland, Normanby Islanders, Paiela, Sambia, Trobrianders, Vanatinai, Wogeo


Bibliography: PNG


According to Newman and Boyd (1982/1998)[1] male 5-stage initiation includes nosebleeding, forced vomiting, force feeding of prescribed food, sweating, and bilateral incision of the glans penis (penis bleeding), on two occasions, the second of which is ‘severe’. This topical bleeding is supposed to ‘grow’ the penis by draining it from the feminine, fluid component of blood. Later in the sequence there is explicit instruction in sexual intercourse, which is held to be potentially hazardous for the male and too ‘powerful’ for uninitiated males to engage in, social consequences of adultery, and so on. This instruction includes visualisation of penetration depth with the aid of a wild fruit (p276). The conclusion is married life. Women, after their menarche (which is not ritually marked) experience ritualized serial sexarche with patrikinsmen of their future husbands, held necessary for opening of the vagina and letting out bloody fluids said to harm their husbands. They are also well instructed in matters of reproductive life.






Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. Volume I. World Reference Atlas. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Jan 2005


[1] Newman, P. L. & Boyd, D. J. (1982/1998) The making of men: Ritual and meaning in Awa male initiation. In Rituals of manhood: Male initiation in Papua New Guinea. G. H. Herdt, ed. Pp. 239–85. Berkeley: University of California Press