Growing Up Sexually

The Sexual Curriculum (Oct., 2002)

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Interim Thematic Bibliography


Excerpted from


Janssen, D. F. (Oct., 2002). Growing Up Sexually. Interim Report. Volume III: Bibliographies. Dr. Mr. Edward Brongersma Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands




[Compiler's note:]

The following bibliography contains references as included in the Thematic Volume (Vol. II) of project "Growing Up Sexually". This concerns an interim extract on 15 October 2002; therefore, the bibliography will prove incomplete for the entirety of contemporary GUS Volume II.

For inclusion criteria, see Volume II, project history section. The user is referred to additional bibliographies including that of geo/ethnographic Volume I (here), and of online available resources during the period of study (GUS Digital Archive). For still more references, the user might want to consult the compiler directly for paper and digital shadow archives, holding more peripheral academia.


D. F. Janssen, MD


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


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[no author indicated] (1977) Malas Palabras: Talking Dirty in Cuban Spanish, Maledicta 1,1:19-22

[various authors] (1998) Should doctors reconstruct the vaginal introitus of adolescent girls to mimic the virginal state? BMJ, Feb 7; 316(7129):[459-62]

04-01-1995 Panel chair, "The Sexualization of Childhood". Presented at the conference Women, Sexuality, and Violence: Re-Visioning Public Policy, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania

A [top]

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Amuchástegui Herrera, A. (1999) Dialogue and the negotiation of meaning: Constructions of virginity in Mexico, Culture, Health & Sexuality 1,1:79-93

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Amuchástegui Herrera, A. (2001) Virginidad e Iniciación Sexual: Experiencias y Significados. EDAMEX, S.A. de C.V. y Population Council

Anderson, E. (1989) Sex codes and family life among inner-city youths, Annals Am Acad Political & Social Studies 501:59-78 / Wilson, W. J. (Ed.) The Ghetto Underclass.

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B [top]

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