Granuloma III

Curable STDs - Infections

Granuloma III

5. How is it diagnosed?
The symptoms of granuloma inguinale are similar to those of some other STDs (chancroid, syphilis). However, a correct diagnosis can be made by taking same samples from the sore or sores and examining them in the laboratory.

6. How is it treated?
The disease can be cured within 2-5 weeks by antibiotics. The sexual partners of infected persons must be examined and, if necessary, treated as well.

7. How can it be prevented?
The best protection is to avoid sexual contact with an infected person. However, since the symptoms may not always be pronounced enough to be noticed,  it is advisable to follow the “safer sex guidelines” with any new or casual sexual partner. Especially the correct and consistent use of a condom can help in preventing infections with this and many other STDs.

Geographical areas where granuloma inguinale tropicum is common


[Course 4] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Curable STDs] [Infections] [Infestations] [Incurable STDs] [STD Prevention] [Additional Reading] [Examination]