

Abortion Methods: Early Abortions (in the first 12 weeks)

The “Abortion Pill” (Mifepristone)
A relatively new method is the so-called
abortion pill (mifepristone), originally known as RU-486). Marketed under different brand names, it is generally approved only for early abortions up to 7 weeks of pregnancy (in some countries up to 9 weeks). The drug, taken orally, blocks the action of the hormone progesterone, thus preventing the growth of the placenta. As the uterine lining withers under the influence of mifepristone, so does the embryo. After taking an additional drug (misoprostol, a prostaglandin analogue), the woman develops uterine contractions similar to labor and thus expels the embryo. The accompanying bleeding can be heavy and usually lasts for several days. In the rare cases where the method fails, a surgical abortion procedure has to follow.

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