Biological Footnote

中间性 - 导言



  • 扁形动物门(phylum Platyhelminthes)的涡虫既能发挥雌性动物的作用也能执行雄性动物的职责,既能产生卵子也能射出精子到它的交配对象体内。它们这些轮换的功能既是执行着雌性的也是扮演着雄性的角色。
  • 一种叫Hypoplectrus的鱼在一个场合能够作为雄性发挥作用,然后在其他的场合作为雌性产生鱼卵。
  • 巨大硬鳞(black sea bass)在幼年可以是雌性,可是随后就可以转变成雄性。
  • [(中国大陆读者比较熟悉的鱼类黄鳝,其生殖腺从胚胎到成体都是卵巢,只能产卵。但是,一旦产卵完毕,其卵巢逐渐转化为精巢,产生精子。这种从雌到雄的转变,在生物学上称为性逆转(sex reversal)——译者注]


从左起:1. 扁形动物门(phylum Platyhelminthes)的涡虫[自然大小:约4cm(1.5英寸)]
Hypoplectrus 的鱼;3. 巨大硬鳞

From the left: 1. The flatworm phylum Platyhelminthes (natural size: ca. 4cm/1.5 inches)
2. The fish Hypoplectrus 3. The black sea bass



Intersexuality - Introduction

Biological Footnote: Plants and Animals

Before discussing human intersexuality in more detail, it may be useful to cast at least a cursory glance at “hermaphroditism” in lower animals. There are plant or animal species that possess both female and male sex organs and thereby increase their chances to reproduce. Biologists call these species “hermaphroditic”. In addition to countless hermaphroditic plants, there are many double-sexed animals, especially among the invertebrates and fish. Some can act and reproduce as either females or males, others change their sex as the situation allows or requires. This is another example of the enormous diversity of life on our planet. To give just a few examples:

  • The flatworm phylum Platyhelminthes can function as either a female or male, producing eggs or inserting sperm into his counterparts.These, in turn, can also act as females or males.
  • The fish Hypoplectrus can act as a male and release sperm in one instance and then, in the next instance, act as a female and release eggs.
  • The black sea bass may start life as a female and then turn into a male.

However, as one moves higher on the evolutionary ladder, this useful hermaphroditism becomes increasingly rare. In mammals, the existence of both female and male characteristics in the same body is an atypical, problematic development. The best example is well known to cattle breeders: The so-called freemartin is a female calf that, before birth, shared certain hormones with its male twin. These “masculinizing” hormones were enough to prevent the normal development of its female sex organs. The result is almost always sterility. However, twinning in cattle does not occur very often.
These few reminders must suffice here. The following text restricts itself to human intersexuality.

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Problems in Males] [Intersexuality] [Introduction] [Intersexual Spectrum] [Dealing w. Intersex.] [Additional Reading] [Examination]