
Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft

原著:[]歐文黑伯樂(Erwin Haeberle);譯者:[中國]彭曉輝;校對者:[]阮芳賦

Original: Erwin Haeberle [Germany];  Translator: Xiaohui Peng [China];  Reviser:  Fang-fu Ruan [USA]


     2.中世紀                                                                                                     上一頁  下一頁  返回目錄

斯蘭和猶太學者承接了科學傳統。-蕘茲[Ar-Razi (Rhases)]、伊布嫩·西娜[Ibn Sina (阿維森納,Avicenna,波斯醫生和哲學家,其名著《醫典》在歐洲直到17世紀仍被作為標準的醫學教科書)——譯者注]、伊布嫩·捺西德[Ibn Ruschd (Averroes)]邁蒙尼底斯(Maimonides)和其他學者保存和擴展了古代性學知識


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I.Predecessors (Antiquity-1892)

    2.Middle Ages

Islamic and Jewish scholars continue the scientific tradition. Ar-Razi (Rhases), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Ruschd (Averroes), Maimonides and others preserve and expand the sexological knowledge of antiquity.

In China the 'classical' handbook on sex "Su-Nui-Jing" is written.

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