
Archiv für Sexualwissenschaft

原著:[]歐文黑伯樂(Erwin Haeberle);譯者:[中國]彭曉輝;校對者:[]阮芳賦

Original: Erwin Haeberle [Germany];  Translator: Xiaohui Peng [China];  Reviser:  Fang-fu Ruan [USA]


     1.古代                                                                                                                              下一頁   返回目錄  返回首頁




羅馬詩人奧維德(Ovid)在其著作《愛經(Ars Amatoria,也譯為《愛的藝術》)中論述了做愛與挑逗的藝術。


印度學者馬蘭伽笩蹉衍那(Mallanga Vatsayana)撰寫了一部古典的做愛手冊《欲經》(Kama Sutra,也有人譯為《卡瑪箴言集》或《印度愛經》)  

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I.Predecessors (Antiquity - 1892)


Greek and Roman philosophers and physicians like Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle, Soranus and Galen, study, describe, and discuss questions of reproduction, contraception, human sexual behavior, sexual dysfunctions and their therapy, sexual education, sexual ethics, and sexual politics. The history of medicine records these and many subsequent developments of anatomical and physiological sex research.

The Roman poet Ovid, with his "Ars Amatoria", offers a treatise on the art of lovemaking and seduction.
The Indian scholar Mallanga Vatsayana writes his "Kama Sutra", a 'classical' manual of lovemaking.

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Note: Our directories depend on the input of interested readers. For corrections, additions, and suggestions, please contact: HaeberleE@web.de