The Female Sex Organs


An objective study of the female sex organs has always been difficult, and thus for a very long time their function was less well understood than that of the male sex organs. One reason for this ignorance was the social emphasis and overemphasis on the reproductive role of women. There simply was not enough interest in learning about their orgasmic potential. Another reason is the anatomical fact that the most important female sex organs are either barely visible or completely hidden from view in the abdominal cavity. A woman's external sex organs, which can be examined easily, offer no clue as to the physiological processes taking place deeper inside. Women thus often find it hard to understand their own bodily functions. Fortunately, modern scientific research has made this task much easier. While many questions are still unanswered, it is now nevertheless possible to provide every woman with enough information for the purposes of everyday life. Such factual information can dispel many lingering fears and old superstitions while helping both sexes to develop a mature and responsible attitude toward the female sex organs.


[Title Page] [Contents] [Preface] [Introduction] [The Human Body] [Sexual Differentiation] [The Sex Organs] [Sexual Response] [Human Reproduction] [Physical Problems] [Sexual Behavior] [Sex and Society] [Epilogue] [Sexual Slang Glossary] [Sex Education Test] [Picture Credits]