Painful Sexual Intercourse in Men


Apart from obvious genital injuries and diseases, the most common cause of pain during sexual intercourse in men is a tightness of the foreskin called phimosis. This condition occurs in some uncircumcised men who have such a small opening in their foreskin that it cannot be pulled back over the glans of the penis. This can result in irritation and pain during every erection. Some simple surgical treatment, possibly including circumcision, can eliminate the problem.
Circumcision, or the complete surgical removal of the foreskin, also prevents another condition that can develop in uncircumdsed men. If the foreskin is not periodically pulled back over the glans to allow for a thorough washing with soap and water, there may be a buildup of certain secretions which can cause infection and inflammation.

Infections of the penis may also be contracted during sexual intercourse (see "Venereal Diseases").

Finally, some men develop an abnormal sensitivity of the glans or allergic-reactions to the vaginal environment or certain spermicidal or douching preparations. Naturally, the treatment consists of a change in douching habits or method of contraception. The use of a condom may also provide at least a temporary solution of the problem.


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