November 2005: New Book


dtv-Atlas Sexualität
by Erwin J. Haeberle
with 98 illustrations by Jörg Mair


A new book by Prof. Haeberle has just been published in German under the title dtv-Atlas Sexualität. It is the printed version of a lecture series he gave as a visiting professor at Humboldt University in Berlin from 1992-1994. Immediately thereafter, dtv, the best known German paperback publisher, had purchased the lecture notes, but the publication was repeatedly delayed for various technical reasons.
The present publication finally completes the documentation of Prof. Haeberle’s activities as a visiting professor in Berlin. In addition to his regular lecture series, he had given a special public lecture that was published by the university itself in 1993: “
Berlin und die internationale Sexualwissenschaft”. He had also offered two seminars:
1. The seminar ”Sexual Orientation” was based on the congress “
Bisexualities”, organized by Prof. Haeberle at the Berlin Reichstag in 1990. The congress proceedings were published in both German and English (Haeberle/Gindorf, Hg. „Bisexualitäten – Ideologie und Praxis des Sexualkontaktes mit beiden Geschlechtern“, Stuttgart 1994, and Haeberle/Gindorf, eds. „Bisexualities – The Ideology and Practice of Sexual Contact with both Men and Women“, New York 1998). A summary of the seminar itself can be found on our web site under the Title Bisexuality: History and Dimensions of a Modern Scientific Problem.

Additional publications by Prof. Haeberle reflecting his activities as
a visiting professor at Humboldt University.
From the left: HU public lecture, 1993, “Bisexualitäten”, 1994, ”Bisexualities”, 1998.

2. The seminar “Preparations for a Film about Hirschfeld” was conducted in cooperation with the film maker Rosa von Praunheim. It resulted in his biographical film “Der Einstein des Sex” (The Einstein of Sex) in 1999.

Rosa von Praunheim
(The Einstein of Sex)
D 1999, 35 mm, 100 min
Director and Producer: Rosa von Praunheim
Script: C. Kraus, V. Passoni
Camera: E. Mikesch
Music: K.-E. Sasse
Cut: M. E. Shepard
with: Gerd Lukas Storzer, Friedel von Wangenheim, Kai Schuhmann,
Wolfgang Völz, Otto Sander, Ben Becker, a.o.

In the summer of 1992, Prof. Haeberle also organized an international sexological congress at Humboldt University (co-organizers: Prof. Karl-Friedrich Wessel of the Institute for Human Ontogenetics and the DGSS). In the fall of the same year, Prof. Haeberle undertook his third visit to China where he participated in the first sexological congress held in the People’s Republic. At this congress, the first nation-wide Chinese sex survey was presented:

Left: Original edition of: Liu, Ng, Zhou, Haeberle: Sexual Behavior in Modern China
Right: American edition 1997