Growing Up Sexually


Paragraph Overview of Volume 2

(for access to chapters go to Volume 2)


Sociologies of “Developmental” Sexualities


1.0 Introduction: The “Ontological” in the “Sexologist”

1.1 Biological versus Sociological Traditions and Age-Based Sexual Stratification

1.1.1 Structural-Functional Theories

1.1.2 Marxist (/ Conflict) Theory: The Sexual Economy

1.1.3 Social Constructionism

1.1.4 Ethnomethodology and Phenomenology

1.1.5 Post-Structuralism: La Croisade des Enfants

1.2 Academic Traditions in Approaching Sexual Socialisation: An Agenda Classification

1.2.1 The Psychoanalytic Agenda

1.2.3 The Psychohistorical Agenda

1.2.4 The Pedagogical Agenda

1.2.5 The Medical and Demographic Agendas

1.2.6 The Ethological Agenda

1.2.7 The “Zoologist” Agendas

1.2.8 The Literary/ Folklorist Agenda

1.2.9 The “Sexologist” (Homosexologist) Agenda

1.2.10 Activist / Interpretationist Agendas

1.2.11 Recapitulating: Agenda and Developmentalist Sexology

1.3 Ethnocentrism and Developmentalism

1.4 Recapitulation: Fitting Ethnographic and Cross-Historical Data into Sociological Models

1.5 Conclusion


Sidestep: “Latency” and the Use of Ethnograhy



Latency and Society

Further on Origin and Function

Redoing Freud

Redoing Latency

Cases in Favour?

Contemporary Disqualifications

Privacy and Curriculum: Money’s Argument

Secrecy and Curriculum

Curiosity and Curriculum

Shame and Curriculum: Control and Self-Control

“Sex Guilt”: The Question of Intergenerational Transmission and Cultural


Closing Remarks


Sexologising Childhood


2.0 Introduction

2.1 The “Developmental Sexology” of Cultures: The Vicarious Theme of Curricularism

2.2 The Masturbation Paradigm: “Onanopathies” and the Relevance of Age

2.3 Paradoxia Sexualis: Shifting Discourses Surrounding the Sexologised Child

2.4 Themes of Rehearsal and Play: Limited Historical Notes

2.5 Savage Childhood and Precocity: Early to Modernist Observations

2.5.1 Anthropology and Play Sex: Günther Tessmann

2.6 The History of Cross-Cultural Research of Developmental Sexuality: A Short Appraisal

2.7 Shifting Narratives and Uses in Exocultural Developmental Sexology: The Moral Index

2.8 Summarising Notes


Developmental to Developing Sexologies


3.0 Introduction

3.0.1 Frameworking Sexual Ontologies

3.0.2 The Cultural in the Developmental

3.0.3 Pedagogisation, Participating Citizenship and the Praxis of Sexuality

3.0.4 Outlining Pedagogical Cultures: A Principle Trinity

3.0.5 The Sexual as the Sexological Interaction: The “Operationalisation” of Sex

3.1 Meaning vs “Operational” Meaning: The Praxis of Curricular Sexology

3.1.0 Regulating Sexuality-Sexology

3.1.1 Positive and Positivist Intergenerational Legitimisation

3.1.2 Negation (Negativist Identification) vs De-Legitimisation: Taboo, Avoidance, and Appropriation

3.1.3 Covert, Collateral and “Centrifugal” Negation

3.1.4 Ambivalent and Non-Identification

3.2 Culture, Subculture, Counterculture, and Co-Culture

3.2.1 The Peer in the Sex: Subcultural and Subculturalist Sexology

3.2.2 Hypothesis

3.3 Sex, Trajectories and Cultural Agenda

3.4 “Developmental” Sexologies: Cross-Cultural Appraisal

3.4.0 Cultural Legitimisations and “Developmental” Sexology

3.4.1 Drive-Centered (Biologist) “Developmental” Sexology

3.4.2 Theonomic-Biologist “Developmental” Sexology

3.4.3 Constructionist / Interactionist-Centered “Developmental” Sexology

3.5 Highlights and Summary


Language, Culture and Developmental Sexology. A Constructionist Identification


4.0 Introduction

4.1 Sex, Language and Developmental Scenarios: Theoretical Frameworks

4.2 Delineating Sex Language: Ethnographic Observations

4.2.1 The Grid of Non-Communication: Social Geographies

4.2.2 The Grid of Non-Communication: Body Geographies

4.3 Erotic Lexicon and Curricularisation: Cross-Cultural Patterns

4.4 Language and Segmentalisation of Sex

4.5 Sexual Communications, Power Dynamics and Shaping of Curricular Masculinities

4.5.1 The Dirty Dozens

4.5.2 “Homophobic” Masculinities

4.5.3 The Heterophobic / Heteromysic / Hetero-Erotophobic / Sexist Performance

4.5.4 The Humour Performance

4.5.5 Sexuality, Subversion and Environment

4.6 Locating Narratives: Mapping Sites, Media and Technospheres

4.6.1 Magazined Sexualities

4.7 Narratives that “Space”: Empty, Ambivalent and Bogus Salient Spaces

4.8 …But I Didn’t Even Know What it Was About: Reconstructed and Pedagogic Erotic Biographies

4.9 Preliminary Conclusions




5.1 Introducing Puberty: Elementary Problems

5.1.1 The Nature and Nurture of Sexarche

5.1.2 Puberty Discourses: Cultered Hormones and Libidinal Agency

5.1.3 Two Problems of Sexual Behaviour Discontinuity: Necessity and Chronology

5.2 Manufacturing Puberty

5.2.1 Manufacturing Sexual Periods

5.2.2 Causing and Sculpting Puberty

5.2.3 Initiations

5.3 Operationalising Puberty

5.3.1 “Sexual Behaviour Maturity”: Cultural Operationalisations

5.3.2 Puberty and Parental Operationalisation

5.3.3 The Experience of Puberty: Sexological Operationalisation

5.4 Regulating Puberty

5.4.1 The Political Meaning of Pre-Initiation /Pre-Puberty Rules: Regulating and Operationalising Violations

5.4.2 Infantile/Juvenile, or “Reverse” Pseudolicence: Meaning and Transitions

5.4.3 “Adolescence”, Initiation and Sexual Restraint: Selected SCCS Data

5.4.4 Power, Age Stratification and Sexual Privilege

5.4.5 Changing Patterns

5.5 Summarising Notes

5.x Appendix: Suggestions for Future Application of the Cross-Cultural Method



Coitality, Koitomimesis and Coitarche. Construing “The” Sexual Act



6.0 Introduction

6.1 Theoretical Preliminaries

6.1.1 Play Sexuality: Phenomenological to Operational Frameworks

6.1.2 Scripting Cultural Copulation: Agents and Structure

6.1.3 Play Coitus vs Coitarche

6.1.4 Pre-Coitalism in Coitocentric Society: Mistaken Sex and Ridiculous Coitus

6.2 Construing Coitus and Coitality: An Ethnographic Exploration

6.2.1 Social Recognition of Pre-Formal Coitus: The Name of the Game

6.2.2 Koitomimesis and the Reproductive Cycle: Coitus and Reproductive Scripts

6.2.3 Husband and Wife, etc.

6.2.4 Negotiated Games

6.2.5 All the Way and Further: Adultery, Co-Wife and Other Games

6.2.6 All Made Up: Self-Invented Scenarios and Scripting Plasticity

6.2.7 Your Own Place: Pseudo- and Semi-Institutional Residences and Compartimentalised Coital Curricula

6.2.8 Improvised Juices: Lubricating Scripts

6.2.9 Script Matrices and Coital Patterning

6.2.10 Transitional Nondyadicism: Informal and Formal Group Sex

6.2.11 The “Pseudocoitus”: Societal Shaping and “Precoitarchal Coitality

6.2.12 The “Infantile Coitus”: Western Development of Coital “Scripts”

6.2.13 Applied Developmental Coitology: The Coital Doll

6.3 Discussion

6.x Addendum: Anatomising Coitarche



Sex Training. The Neglected Fourth Dimension in Erotagogical Ideologies


7.0 Introduction

7.1 Conceptualising Sexual Regulation

7.1.1 Previous Efforts

7.1.2 Discussion

7.1.3 Sex “Education” Discourses

7.2 Training Sex: A Roundup of Practices

7.2.1 Anatomical Preparations: The Manufactured Sexual Apparatus

7.2.2 Physiological Preparations: The Manufactured Sexual Habitus

7.2.3 Behavioural Encouragements

7.2.4 Genital Stimulation: Prosexual and Anticipating Dimensions

7.2.5 The Instructrix/-Tor: African Case

7.2.6 Age-Stratified Coital Initiation / Instruction of Boys

7.2.7 Age-Stratified Coital Initiation / Instruction of Girls

7.2.8 Other “Initiations” and Recruitments: Age Stratified Pair-Bonding and Prostitution

7.2.9 Adolescent-Preadolescent and Peer “Initiations”: Extending and Negotiating Categorialism

7.2.10 The Dormitory: Initiatory Environments

7.2.11 Cultivating Sexual Identity: Genetics of Sexual/Gendered Persona

7.2.12 Enforced Experiences: The “Fifth” Mode of Socialisation

7.3 Conclusions

7.4 Impressions for a Poststructuralist Perspective


Preadult Sexualities. Ethnohistorical Materials for a Discourse Analysis



8.0 Introduction

8.1 Mapping Preadult Sexualities: Discursive Pedagogisms

8.1.1 Tolerance Discourses: Dequalification, Decategorisation and Depedagogisation

8.1.2 Restriction Discourses: Conflicting Interests and Medicalisation

8.1.3 Stimulation Discourses

8.2 The Problem of Atypical Developmental Sexualities

8.2.1 Preadult Same-Sex Patterning

8.2.2 Preadult Age Structuring

8.2.3 Herders’ Vice: Preadult Species Patterning

8.3 Cultural Positions toward Curricular Atypical Sexualities

8.3.1 Developmental Non-Allosexuality

8.3.2 Developmental Non-Heterosexualities

8.3.3 Variant, Atypical and Paraphilic Sexual Identity Trajectories: Academic Bias

8.4 Cultures, Curricular Subcultures and Curicularised Individuals

8.5 Concluding Arguments


Addendum: Bibliography: Prehomosexual Homosexualities


The Doing of Genitalia. Baby’s Genitals and the Grand Scheme of Things Sexual


9.0 Introduction

9.1 Human “Genital Parenting”: Phenomenological Delineation

9.2 Culture and Infant’s Genitals

9.2.1 Verbal References

9.2.2 Interpreting the Historical Case

9.3 Teasers

9.4 Discussion

9.5 Conclusion

9.x Appendices

9.x.1 Ethological Considerations: The Primate Case

9.x.2 The Cultural Infantile Body: Beyond Genitalia

9.x.3 Bibliography for Chapter 9

9.x.3.a Ethnographics

9.x.3.b Additional References for Chapter 9




“Primal Knowledge”. Physiology and Traumatology


10.0 Introduction

10.1 “Primality” in Euro-American Child Sexology: A Curricularisation Issue

10.2 Anthropological Perspectives

10.2.1 Watching Parents: Intercourse

10.2.2 The Primal Bed, Room, Home, Village: Compartimentalisation and Curricularisation of Scenes

10.2.3 Watching Parents and Being Watched: Curricularisation of the “Visual Experience” Order

10.2.4 Watching Animals

10.2.5 Watching TV: Managing Changing Screens

10.2.6 And Where Does the Stork Come From: The Primal Talk

10.3 Discussion: The Curricular Stratification of Information and Technology



Medicalisation and Curricularisation of Sexual Behaviour Trajectories



11.0 Introduction

11.1 Sexual Categories, Growth and Disease

11.1.1 Medicalising Sexarche

11.1.2 Children’s Allo- and “Auto”-Erotic Bodies: Nosological vs Cultural Discourse

11.2 Traumatology to Trauma: The Shaping of Traumatic Sex Discourses

11.3 Medicalised Curricula and Sexual Control

11.4 Perspectives



Bodies, Functions and CultureI. Operationalising Organs, Transitions and Erotics


12.0 Introduction: Culture and Sexual/Reproductive Bodies

12.1 The Assimilation of the Sexual Body

12.1.1 Construed Bodies

12.1.2 Organ Socialisation: The Anthropology of the Genitals, with a Reference to “Modesty”

12.1.3 Cultural Bodies and Social Milestones

12.2 Girl Bodies

12.2.1 The Menarchal Body: Socio- / Nosographic Spectrum

12.2.2 Thelarche: The Cultural Blossoming Bosom

12.2.3 Organ Curricularisation: The Cultural Clitoris

12.2.4 “Keeping Them Legs Crossed”: Differential Ethological Shaping of the Sexual Genital

12.3 Boy Bodies

12.3.1 Spermarche: Socio- and Nosographic Spectrum

12.3.2 Potency: The Cultural Erection

12.4 Pleasure Bodies

12.4.1 Orgasmarche and the Cultural Orgasm: Obscured Pleasure Milestone

12.4.2 Erogeneity and Erotics: Biocultural Implications

12.5 The Manufactured Body: The Making of Puberty

12.6 Concluding Remarks

12.x Perspectives


Addendum: Bibliography: Menarche


Addendum: “Versunken in Mysterischer Betrachtung”. Proto-Orgasms and Other Choppers to Chop Off Your Head (Or, the Problematic History of Prepubertal Orgasm)



1 Introduction

2 Major Authorities

3 Terminology: Ambiguity

4 Pediatricians: The European Archive

5 Critics and Believers: A Too-Easy Curriculum

6 Freud on Infant Pleasure Potentials

7 Illegal Observations: Kinsey and Alike Cases

8 Frequency: Numeric Studies

9 Psychoanalysts Doubting and Pathologising the Matter

10 Orgasm Equivalence and Symbolism before Puberty: Non-, Nongenital and Pre-Orgasmic Orgasms

11 Tension and Discharge Multimodality: Synerotics, Erotoplasticity and Synattractivism

12 The Experience of Orgasmarche: Anecdotal Materials

13 Knowing Orgasm (Together with Some Ethnographics)

14 Anxietas and Orgasmarche

15 Further on Pathogenesis

16 Prespermarchic Ejaculation? On “Prostatarche

17 A Sidestep: Spermarche

18 The Pollution Enigma

19 Early Non-Orgasmia Pathologised

20 Anorgasmia, Pathological Masturbation Categories and Pathogenetic Experiences

21 A Biosocial Apology for Early Orgasm?

22 Physiological Requirements: Prepubertal Phallic Response

23 The Vertical Politics of Orgasmarche: Input for a “Delay Theory” (cf. §12.4.1)

24 Conclusions

25 Tables

Table 1 Orgasmarche: Age

Table 2 Orgasm: Early, Prepubertal and Pre-Ejaculatory

Table 3 “Ejacularche”: Age




Bodies, Functions and Culture II. Instrumentalising and De-Instrumentalising the Coital Body



13.0 Introduction: Anatomisation and “Unbodification” of Sexuality

13.0.1 Preliminary Evolutionary Observations: Rationalisation and the Developmental Body

13.0.2 Cross-Culturalists and Modification of the Developmental Body

13.1 Instrumentalising and Authorising the Sexual Apparatus

13.1.1 Thelopoesis

13.1.2 Cunnus; Artificial Clitoromegaly; Vaginal Distension

13.1.3 The Cultural Hymen I

13.1.4 The Cultural Penis

13.1.5 The Self-Prepared Body

13.2 De-Instumentalising Bodies

13.2.1 Antimasturbation Measures

13.2.2 Infibulation

13.2.3 The Cultural Hymen II

13.3 Ambiguous, Manufactured and Authentic Body Sexualities

13.4 Concluding Remarks


Curricular Subjectification/Objectification of Erotic Personhood. Renegotiating Performance and Participation



14.0 Introduction

14.1 The Erotic / Eroticised Child: A Perspective on Cultural Baselines

14.2 Age-Disparate Incidents and Patterns

14.2.0 A Note on the Anthropology of Age Disparate Sexualities

14.2.1 Heterosexual Age-Disparate Patterning

14.2.2 Homosexual Age-Disparate Patterning

14.3 Erotic Identity/Role Assignment: Structural Variability

14.4 Negotiated Meanings vs Negotiated Studies

14.4.1 Sex Ethics vs Sex Science

14.4.2 “Positivist” vs “Negativist Performative Impressions

14.4.3 The Ethical Impression: Perspectives for the Constructionist

14.5 Discussion: “Paedophilia” as a Central Cultural Discourse


Addendum: All-Male Life Phase Disparate Erotic Systems. Interim Ethnohistorical Bibliography


Addendum: Selected Bibliography “Childhood Sexual Abuse and Social Constructionism


Rolling Down a Hill Together in Each Other’s Arms. An Ethnohistorical Inventory of Play / Rehearsive Love and (Pre-)Institutonal Dyadic Affiliation



15.0 Introduction

15.0.0 Chapter Purpose

15.0.1 A Note on Teleological Operationalisation

15.1 Romanticism, Culture and Curriculum

15.1.1 “Structural-Cultural” Aspects

15.1.2 Structural-Functional Accounts

15.1.3 Constructionist Reflections

15.1.4 Interactionist-Performative Perspective

15.1.5 Human Ethological Considerations

15.2 Love as Play and Game: Historio-Ethnographic Discourse

15.2.1 Historical Implicits of “Love” Games

15.2.2 Doing Love/Touch: The Reassemblage and Recycling of Cultural Materials

15.3 The “Beginning of Courtship”: Curriculum and Heterosocial(Re-) Orientation

15.4 “Love” Development and Socialisation

15.4.1 Structural Context and the Formation of Dyadic Exclusivity

15.4.2 Development: Objects, Institutions, Dyadicism

15.4.3 Socialisation and Courtship Forms: Input for a Taxonomy of Practices

15.4.4 Love to Sex: Cultural Determinants

15.x Additional Reading


Table 1 First, Pre- and Peri-Pubertal “Love”: Major and Numeric Studies (N=30)

Table 2 First “Love”: Mean/Modal Ages (N=5)



Making and Arresting Sexual/Erotic People: A Cultural Issue. Erotogenetics, Object/Subject Debates, and (Non-)Erotic Citizenship



16.0 Introduction

16.1 Socialised Sexuality/ Development: “Lateral”, Textual, Contextual and Other Constructions and Biases

16.1.1 Pathologies vs. Sociologies

16.1.2 Ethcis and Aestethics: Intracultural Discursive Movements and the Iconographic Entry

16.1.3 Child, Childlike and Adultlike: Cultural Boundaries

16.1.4 The “Hurried Erotics” Discourse

16.1.5 Tracking Down Sexualising Cultures: Locating Authorities and Narratives

16.1.6 Spotting and Imagining “Erotogenetic” Processes: The Problem of the “Agogue

16.2 Scientific and Activist Traditions

16.2.0 Biologist and Pathological Accounts

16.2.1 Psychoanalytic Accounts Seduced and Sexual Children: The Freudian Switch

16.2.2 Feminist Concepts of Cultural Sexualisation and Complementarism Uneroticising Girls Frameworking Girls and Feminist Discourse: “Claiming” Developmental Erotic Selfhoods

16.3 Developmental Subject/Object Eroticism: Cross-Cultural Observations

16.3.1 Paternal and Patriarchic Practices

16.3.2 Attractive Bodies: Sociogenetics

16.3.3 Hammams and Households: The Knowing Eye and Splitting Universa

16.3.4 Consuming and Producing the Erotic Child

16.3.5 The Curricularised Body: Its Relation to Erotic Curricularisation

16.4 Theoretical and Clinical Notes

16.4.1 A Clinical Note

16.5 Concluding Remarks

16.x Additional Reading

16.y Appendices: Some Data on Erotarche

Table 1 “First Sexual Arousal”: Mean Age

Table 2 Prepubescent “Sexual” Arousal, Quantitative Studies

Table 3 Sexual Arousal: Accumulative % First before Age of 15

Table 4 Homosexual “Attraction”: Available Data for the Timing of First Occurrence


Addendum: “Reactive” Sexuality: Numeric Studies (<2001)



Selected Theoretical Proceedings


17.0 Introduction

17.1 Locating Processes via Cross-Cultural Data

17.2 Locating Agents: The Instructor

17.3 Locating Sexologies

17.4 Locating Objects: The Salient and Significant Body

17.5 Locating Significant Sex

17.6 Locating “Sexual Behavior Identity”: Cultural Self and Spaces between Construct and Performance

17.7 Construct and “Control”: An Interpretation

17.8 The Segmental Hierarchy of Sex: Suggestions for Further Exploration

17.9 Sexuality and Sexologist

17.10 Sexology and Culture

17.11 Constructionism and Activism

17.12 Cultures and Developments: Perspectives for Theoretical Elaboration


Note on Further Study




I. Structural Determinants of Sexual Curricula. A Review and Critique of the “Cross-Cultural Method”



I.0.a Preliminary Outline of Previous Systematisation Efforts

Table 1 Focussed Appraisal of Cross-Cultural Efforts in Developmental Sexology

I.0.b Introduction: Structural Dimensions of the Early Sexual Experience

I.1 Culturalist Framework

I.1.1 Society: “Complexity” and Substructures

I.1.2 Female Status and Role

I.2 Sexological Framework

I.2.1 Confronting Essentialist Concepts of “Permissiveness”

I.2.2 Construing Sexual Systems

I.3 Pedagogical Framework

I.4 Curricular and Curricularisation Frameworks

I.4.1 Chronology and the Timing of Sexuality Processes

I.4.2 Continuity: Intracurricular Coherence

I.4.3 Gender Informed Standard: Curricular Consistency

I.5 Interim Conclusions

I.6 Major Limitations and Inaccuracies of the Cross-Cultural Method

I.7 Reconceptualising Sexual Control: Cross-Cultural Method vs. Becker

I.8 Perspectives


II. Ethnographic Coverage of Early “Sexual” Behaviour Development and Socialisation. An Impression



II.1 General Observations

II.2 Numeric Coverage

II.2.1 Extent of Coverage: Selected Numeric Observations on Prepubertal Sexuality

II.3 Descriptive Coverage

II.3.1 Rough Historical Considerations

Table 1 Rough Contextual Analysis of eHRAF (2002) Code 864, “Sex Training”

II.3.2 Selected Problems in Descriptive Accounts

II.4 Summary



III. Playground Sexualities. The Performative-Interactionist Localisation of Schools



III.0 Introduction

III.1 Site and Sexuality: Contemporary Formulations

III.2 Situational Erotics: Behavioural Compartment

III.3 The Homoerotic Performance

III.3.1 The GirlhoodSchool Homoerotic Performance

III.3.2 The BoyhoodSchool Homoerotic Performance

III.4 The Homophobic Performance

III.5 The Sexist Performance

III.5.1 Semi-Public Trajectories and the Rough Edges of Early Genderism

III.5.2 The Quasi- and Pseudo-Aggressive Performance: Transitional and Curricular “Sexual” Play-Aggression along the Gender Axis

III.6 The Hetero-Romantic Performance

III.7 The Obscenity Performance: Footnotes to Western Folklore

III.8 The “Crush” Performance: The Vertical Compartment of Scholastic Erotics

III.9 Concluding Arguments

III.xAdditional Reading


IV. Ontologeneticist Sexologies and the Manufacture of Sexual Trajectories. Impressions from a Literature Inventory



IV.0 Reviewing “Developmental Sexualities”: A Short Introduction

IV.1 Developmentalist Ontological Sexologies

Table 1 Theoretical Developmental Models of Sexual Status Trajectories: Theoretical Topographic Appraisal

IV.2 Contemporary Specifications / Modifications of Script Theory

IV.3 Ramification of Ethnohistorical Data within a Performative Format

IV.4 Doing Children’s Sexology: The Non-Performative, Activist, The Positivist, the Folklorist, the Subversive, and the Per-Formative

IV.5 Prospectives: Relocating the Agency and Performance of “Development” Sexology

IV.x Published References


List of Terms That Might Cause Ambiguous or Inconclusive Reading


(for access to chapters go to Volume 2)







Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Nov 2004