Growing Up Sexually(Bibliographies)


9/Scatology, Obscene Folklore, Erotic Counterculture


Main Index®Index Volume 3 ® Bibliography 9

Compiler’s Note


Partially page-specific bibliography derived from a preliminary chapter of GUS, later contributing to, primarily, Chapter 4 and Appendix 3 of Volume II (2002), and to Janssen (2005).


Note: this bibliography may be updated monthly.


1.       [various authors] Viewpoints: what do you tell parents concerned about their children’s using “dirty words”? Med Asp Hum Sex 4:98-9,103-4,107

2.       Abrahams, R. D. (1962) Playing the Dozens, J Am Folkl 75:207-20

3.       Ammar, H. (1954) Growing Up in an Egyptian Village. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul

4.       Apte, M. L. (1985) Humor and Laughter. An Anthropological Approach. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, p92-7

5.       Arango, A. C. (1989) Dirty Words: Psychoanalytic Insights. Northvale, NJ, US: Jason Aronson, Inc.

6.       Armalinkij, M. (Comp., 1995) Detskii Eroticeskii Fol’klor. Minneanapolis: M.I.P. Co. Reviewed in Literaturnaya Gazeta, 1996, issue 17, April 24

7.       Ash, M. (1980) The misnamed female sexual organ, in Samson, J.-M. (Ed.) Sexualité et Enfance. Montreal: Éditions Études Vivantes, p386-91

8.       Avery, C. E. (1970) The forbidden “four-letter words”, in Rubin, I. & Kirkendall, L. A. (Eds.) Sex in the Childhood Years. New York: Association Press, p104-6

9.       Ayoub, M. & Barnett, S. A. (1965) Ritualized verbal insults in white school culture, J Am Folklore 78:337-44

10.    Bachrach, B. (1971) Dirty Words in the Classroom, Elementary English 48,8:998-9

11.    Badalanova, F. K. (1993) Folklore Erotikon, Vol. 1. Edited by Impressario & Publishing House "ROD", Sofia. Ch. 2.3

12.    Badalanova, F. K. (1995) Folklore Erotikon, Vol. 2. Edited by Impressario & Publishing House "ROD", Sofia. Ch.4

13.    Badalanova, F. K. (1996) Folklore Erotikon, Vol. 3. Edited by Impressario & Publishing House "ROD", Sofia. Ch. 21

14.    Banks, D. J. (1983) Malay Kinship. Philadelphia: ISHI

15.    Bariaud, F. (1988) Age differences in children’s humor, J Children in Contemp Society 20,1-2:15-45

16.    Benoit, J. (1997) Les gros mots des petits, Le Magazine Enfants Québec 10,1:17-9

17.    Berdie, R. F. (1947) “Playing the dozens”, J Abnorm Soc Psychol 42:120-1

18.    Berges, E. T. et al. (1983) Children & Sex: The Parents Speak. New York: Facts on File [p161-91]

19.    Berndt, R. M. & Berndt, C. H. (1943) A preliminary report of field work in the Ooldea region, Western Australia, Oceania 13,3;14,2+3

20.    Berndt, R. M. & Berndt, C. H. (1952, 1953, 1954) A selection of children’s songs from Ooldea, Western Australia, Mankind 4, 9+10+12

21.    Berndt, R. M. (1976) Love Songs of Arnhem Land. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, p6

22.    Best, R. (1983) We've All Got Scars. Bloomington: Indiana University Press

23.    Bittner, G. (1969) Sprache und Affektieve Entwicklung. Stuttgart

24.    Blyth, J. (2004) Law of the Playground: A Puerile and Disturbing Dictionary of Playground Insults and Games. Ebury Press

25.    Borneman, E. (1973) Unsere Kinder im Spiegel ihrer Lieder, Reime, Verse und Rätsel. Studien zur Befreiung des Kindes, Vol. 1. Olten: Walter

26.    Borneman, E. (1974) Die Umwelt des Kindes im Spiegel seiner "verbotenen" Lieder, Reime, Verse und Rätsel. Studien zur Befreiung des Kindes, Vol. 2. Olten: Walter

27.    Borneman, E. (1976a) Die Welt der Erwachsenen in den "verbotenen" Reimen deutschsprachiger Stadtkinder. Studien zur Befreiung des Kindes, Vol. 3. Olten: Walter

28.    Borneman, E. (1976b) “Verbotene” Kinderreime und das Geschlechtsleben des Kindes, in Kindersexualität, Betrifft Erziehung 6:20-4. Also in Borneman (1985)

29.    Borneman, E. (1978a) Kindersprüche, in Bauer, K. W & Hengst, H. (Eds.) Kritische Stichwörter zur Kinderkultur. Munich, p199-205

30.    Borneman, E. (1978b) Oben und Unten im Kinder- und Jugendreim, Jahrb f Volksliedforsch 23: 151-64. Also in Borneman (1985)

31.    Borneman, E. (1981) Reifungsphasen der Kindheit. Wien: Verlagsgesellschaft. Translated (1994) as Childhood Phases of Maturity: Sexual Developmental Psychology, New York: Prometheus

32.    Borneman, E. (1985) Das Geschlechtsleben des Kindes: Beiträge zur Kinderanalyse und Sexualpädologie. München-Wien-Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg.

33.    Boumard, P. (1979) Les Gros Mots des Enfants. Paris: Stock

34.    Brenneis, D. & Lein, L. (1977) “You fruithead”: A sociolinguistic approach to children's dispute settlement, in Ervin-Tripp, S. & Mitchell-Kernan, C. (Eds.) Child Discourse. New York: Academic Press, p49-66

35.    Broude, G.J. & Greene, S.J. (1976) Cross-cultural codes on twenty sexual attitudes and practices, Ethnology 5,4:409-29

36.    Bruhn, J. G. & Murray, J. L. (1985) “Playing the dozens”: Its history and psychological significance, Psychol Report 56,2:483-94

37.    Butson, S. L. (1996) Responses of young children to questions concerning sexuality: An exploratory study, DAI-B 57(1-B):719

38.    Carstairs, M. (1958) The Twice-Born. Boomington: University of Indiana Press

39.    Cheung, M. (1999) Children's language of sexuality in child sexual abuse investigations, J Child Sexual Abuse 8,3:65-84

40.    Clarck, M. (1990) The Great Divide: Gender in the Primary School. Melbourne: Curriculum Corporation

41.    Conn, J. H. & Kanner, L. (1947) Children’s awareness of sex differences, J Child Psychia 1:3-57

42.    Cornog, M. (2001) Group masturbation among young and old(er): a summary with questions, J Sex Educ & Ther 26,4:340-6

43.    Cornog, M. (Sept, 2000) The Circle Game: Social Masturbation for Young and Old(er). Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Midconti Region Annual Conference, May 20-23, Madison, Wisconsin

44.    Cray, E. (1999) The Erotic Muse: American Bawdy Songs. University of Illinois

45.    Crozier, W. R. & Skliopidou, E. (2002) Adult recollections of name-calling at school, Educ Psychol 22,1:113-24, at p120

46.    Crul, H. (1982) Kijk op Kinderen. Amsterdam: Geillustreerde Pers, p181-7

47.    Damiens, M. & Ginsberg, G. (1995) Nos Enfants et la Sexualité. Paris : Retz-Pocket, p84-92

48.    De Marneffe, D. (1997) Bodies and words: A study of young children's genital and gender knowledge, Gender & Psychoanal 2,1:3-33

49.    Dixon, C. (1997)Pete’s Tool: Identity and Sex-Play in the Design and Technology Classroom, Gender & Educ 9,1:89-104

50.    Dollard, J. (1930) The Dozens: The Dialect of Insult, Am Imago 1:3-24. Reprinted in Alan Dundes, A. (Ed., 1981) Mother Wit from the Laughing Barrel. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, p277-94

51.    Du Bois, C. (1944) The People of Alor: A Social-Psychological Study of an East Indian Island. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press [1960 ed. Vol. 1, p72-3]

52.    Dundes, A. (1998) Bloody Mary in the mirror: a ritual reflection of pre-pubescent anxiety, Western Folklore 57,2/3:119-35

53.    Dundes, A., Leach, J. W., & Ozkok, B. (1972) The strategy of Turkish boys’ verbal duelling rhymes, in Gumperz, J. J. & Hymes, D. (Eds.) Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, p130-60

54.    Dyck, G. (1969) "Talking the dozens". A game of insults played in a group of adolescent boys, Bull Menninger Clinic 33, 2:108-116

55.    Eder, D. (1993) “Go get ya a French!”: Romantic and sexual teasing among adolescent girls. In D. Tannen (Ed.) Gender and Conversational Interaction. New York: Oxford University Press, p17-30

56.    Eilers, A. (1936) Tobi, in Thilenius, G. (Ed.) Ergebnisse der Südsee-Expedition 1908-1910. Hamburch, Friederichsen. Vol.9, 2nd halfvol., p118

57.    Emerson, R. (2002a) "Where my girls at?" Negotiating Black womanhood in music videos, Gender & Society 16,1:115-35

58.    Emerson, R. (2002b) Hot Girlz, Shorties and Divas: Exploring the Responses of Teenage African-American Girls to Representations of Black Female Sexuality in Music Video. Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin

59.    Epstein, D. (1996) Cultures of Schooling, Cultures of Sexuality. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association. New York, April 8-12

60.    Epstein, D. (1997) Boyz' own stories: masculinities and sexualities in schools, Gender & Educ 9,1:105-15

61.    Factor, J. & Hannan, S. (2000) Kidspeak: A Dictionary of Australian Children's Colloquial Words, Expressions and Games. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press

62.    Factor, J. (1983) Far Out, Brussel Sprout: Australian Children's Chants and Rhymes. Oxford: Oxford University Press

63.    Factor, J. (1989) Captain Cook chased a chook: Children's folklore in Australia. Penguin

64.    Fernandez, J. W. (1982) Bwiti, An Ethnography of the Religious Imagination in Africa. Princeton: Princeton University Press

65.    Fine, G. A. & Johnson, B. N. (1988) The promiscuous cheerleader: An adolescent male legend, Western Folklore 39:120-9

66.    Fine, G. A. (1976) Obscene joking across cultures, J Communication 26:134-40

67.    Fine, G. A. (1977) A Group Space Analysis of Interpersonal Dynamics. Ph.D. diss., Harvard University

68.    Fine, G. A. (1977) Humor in situ: the role of humor in small group culture, in Chapman, A. J. & Foot, H. C. (Eds.) It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Oxford: Pergamon Press, p315-8

69.    Fine, G. A. (1980a) Childlore, friendship and performance, Southwestern Folklore 4:87-92

70.    Fine, G. A. (1980b) Preadolescent slang: Local, regional and national speech patterns among American children, Midwestern J Language & Folklore 6:5-16

71.    Fine, G. A. (1981a) Little League baseball and the development of the male sex role, in Lewis, R.A. (Ed.) Men in Difficult Times. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, p62-74

72.    Fine, G. A. (1981b) Rude words. lnsults and narration in preadolescent obscene talk, Maledicta 5:51-68

73.    Fine, G. A. (1986) The dirty play of little boys, Society / Transaction 24:63-67. Reprinted in Kimmel, M. S. & Messner, M. A. (Eds.) Men’s Lives. New York: Macmillan, 1989, p171-9

74.    Fine, G. A. (1988) Good Children and Dirty Play, Play & Culture 1:43-56

75.    Fine, G. A. (1990) With the Boys. Little League Baseball and Preadolescent Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

76.    Fisher, G. A. (1997) Kids, Culture, and Courtship: The Acculturating Effects of Popular Music. Paper for the American Sociological Association

77.    Fisher, S. (1989) Sexual Images of the Self. Hillsdale, JJ [etc.]: L. Erlbaum, p1-38

78.    Fortune, R. (1932) Sorcerers of Dobu. New York: E. P. Dutton

79.    Fraley, M. C., Nelson, E. C., Wolf, A.W. & Lozoff, B. (1991) Early genital naming, Developm & Behav Pediatr 12:301-4

80.    Fry (1974) Psychodynamics of sexual humor: sexual views children, Med Asp Hum Sex 8,9:77-80

81.    Gaignebet, C. (1974) Le Folklore Obscène des Enfants. Collection L’Erotisme Populaire 3. Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose

82.    Gartrell, N. & Mosbacher, D. (1984) Sex differences in the naming of children's genitalia, Sex Roles 10,11/12:869-76

83.    Glaser, C. (1998)Swines, hazels and the dirty dozen: Masculinity, territoriality and the youth gangs of Soweto, 1960-1976, J Southern African Studies 24,4:719-36

84.    Goldman, J. (1990) The importance of an adequate sexual vocabulary for children, Austral J  Marr & Fam 11,3:136-48

85.    Golightly, C. & Scheffler, I. (1948) “Playing the dozens”: a note, J Abnorm Soc Psychol 43:104-5

86.    Goodenough, R. G. (1987 ) Small group culture and the emergence of sexist behaviour: a comparative study of four children' s groups, in Spindler, G. & Spindler, L. (Eds.) Interpretive Ethnography of Education. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

87.    Harrisson (1968) When children use obscene language, Med Asp Hum Sex 2,12:6-11

88.    Hartmann, L. (1973) Some uses of dirty words by children, J Am Acad Child Psychia 12:108-22

89.    Heelsbergen, van (1985) Vieze Kindertjes? Rijksuniversiteit van Limburg [video programme formerly available from Trimbos Instititute, Utrecht, The Netherlands]

90.    Heitmann, V. (1988) Obsceniteit, Romantiek en Dood in de Mondelinge Traditie van Noorse Schoolkinderen. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2 Vols.

91.    Henry, J. & Henry, Z. (1944) Doll Play of the Pilagá Indian Children. New York: American Orthopsychiatric Association, Research Monographs No. 4. Reprinted in 1974, Random House

92.    Hermann, I. (1922) Geheime Gesellschaften der Kinder und die Sexualität, Archiv f Frauenk [etc.] 8:175-7

93.    Hernández, Th. (1941) Children among the Drysdale river tribes, Oceania 12,2:122-33

94.    Jaffe, J. J. (1985) "Down There": The Relationship Between Childhood Home Environment, Childhood Genital Labels, and Adult Sexuality in a Middle-Class Female Sample. University of Southern California

95.    Janssen, D. F. (2002-3). Growing Up Sexually. Volume II: The Sexual Curriculum: The Manufacture and Performance of Pre-Adult Sexualities. Amsterdam/Nijmegen, The Netherlands [esp. ch. 4 and App. III, linked at top]

96.    Janssen, D. F. (2005) Ludic, Preludic and Ludicrous Sex: An Anthropological Note on Pre-Propaedeutic Pleasures. Paper invited at the 2nd London Consortium European Summer School, “Playtime!: The Cultures of Play, Gaming and Sport”, London, July 25-29, 2005

97.    Janus, S. S. & Janus, C. L. (1985) Children, sex, peers, culture: 1973-1983, J Psychohist 12,3:363-9

98.    Jay, T. (1985) The Role of Obscene Speech in Psychology, Interfaces 12,3:75-91

99.    Jay, T. (1992) Cursing in America: A psycholinguistic study of dirty language in the courts, in the movies, in the schoolyards and on the streets. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company [ch. 2, When Children Use Dirty Words]

100.Johnson, C. S. (1941) Growing Up in the Black Belt. Washington: American Council on Education, p184-5, 228

101.Jones, R. M. (1964) Psychosexuality in speech development, Percept Mot Skills 19:390ff

102.Kehily, M. J. & Nayak, A. (1997) Lads and laughter: humour and the production of heterosexual hierarchies, Gender & Educ 9,1:69-87

103.Keller, R. (1987) Worttabu und Tabuwörter, Sprache & Lit in Wissensch & Unterricht 18,2(60):2-9

104.Kelley, P., Buckingham, D. & Davies, H. (1999) Talking dirty: children, sexual knowledge and television, Childhood 6,2:221-42

105.Kelly-Byrne, D. (1982) A Narrative of Play and Intimacy: A Seven Year Old's Play and Story Relationship with an Adult. PhD Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania

106.Kelly-Byrne, D. (1983) A Narrative of Play and Intimacy, in Manning, F. E. (Ed.) The world of Play. West Point, NY: Leisure Press

107.Knapp, M. & Knapp, H. (1976) One Potato, Two Potato: The Folklore of American Children. New York: Norton

108.Koch, W. (1979) Die erotische Kinderzeichnung, Kunst & Unterricht 55:52-5

109.Koch, W. (1980) Die “heimliche” Kinderzeichnung; Die erotische Kinderzeignung im Unterrricht, Sexualpäd 8,3:6-8;8,4:6-7

110.Koch, W. (1984) Erotische Zeichnungen von Kinderen und Jugendlichen, BDK [Bund Deutscher Kunsterzicher] Mitteilungen 2

111.Koch, W. (1986) Erotische Zeichnungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen.Erzeihungswissenschaften 15. Münster Lit.

112.Korkiakangas, P. (1992) The games children may not play: improper, prophetic or dangerous, Ethnol Scandinav 22:95-104

113.Korobov, A. (2001) “Alex is a NICE kid”: The socialization functions of teasing for adolescent males, Texas Linguistic Forum 44,2:313-27

114.Kreitler, H. & Kreitler, S. (1966) Children's concept of sexuality and birth, Child Developm 37,2:363-78;

115.Lallemand, S. (1985) L'Apprentissage de la Sexualité dans les Contes d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Paris: Editions L’Harmattan

116.Lamb, S. & Cloakley, M. (1993)Normal” childhood sexual play and games: differentiating play from abuse, Child Abuse & Negl 17:515-26

117.Lamb, S. (2001) The Secret Lives of Girls: What Good Girls Really Do--Sex Play, Aggression, and Their Guilt. New York, NY: Free Press

118.Landy, D. (1959) Tropical Childhood. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press

119.Langfeldt, Th. (1981a) Sexual development in children, in Cook, M. & Howells, K. (Eds.) Adult Sexual Interest in Children. New York: Academic Press, p99-120, at p108-10

120.Leary, J. P. (1978) The Boys from the Dome: Folklore of a Modern American Male Group. Ph.D. diss., Indiana University

121.Lefever, H. G. (1981) "Playing the Dozens": A Mechanism for Social Control, Phylon 42,1:73-85, at p73

122.Legman, G. (1968) Rational of the Dirty Joke. New York: Breaking Point, esp. p49-112

123.Lerner, H. E. (1976) Parental mislabeling of female genitals as a determinant of penis envy and learning inhibitions in women, J Am Psychoanal Assoc 24,5, Suppl.:269-83

124.Lerner, H. G. (1988) Women in Therapy. New York: Aronson

125.Lessa, W. (1966) Ulithi: A Micronesian Design for Living. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston

126.LeVine, R. & LeVine, B. (1963) Nyansongo: A Gusii Community in Kenya, in Whiting, B. (Ed.) Six Cultures. New York: Wiley

127.Lieberman, E. J. (1967, 1970) Obscenity in childhood and youth, in Rubin, I. & Kirkendall, L. A. (Eds.) Sex in the Childhood Years. New York: Association Press, p107-8. Original in Sexology 34,3:156-7

128.Lucca, N. & Pacheco, A. M. (1986) Children’s graffiti: Visual communication from a developmental perspective, J Genet Psychol 147,4:465-79

129.Luksic, I. (1998) [Review Article]: Detskiy eroticeskiy fol'klor; Detskij eroticeskij fol'klor, Strani Jezici 27,1:52-4

130.Luquet, G. H. (1910) Sur la survivance des charactères du dessin enfantin dans das grafitti à indications sexuelles, Anthropophyteia 7:196-210+ill.

131.Mac an Ghaill, M. (1994). The Making of Men: Masculinities, Sexualities and Schooling. Buckingham: Open University Press, p94, 165

132.Mageo, J. M. (1992) Male transvestism and cultural change in Samoa, Am Ethnol 19,3:443-59

133.Mateo, J. & Yus, F. (2000) Insults: A relevance-theoretic taxonomical approach to their translation, Int J Translation 12:1:97-130

134.McCosh, S. (1977) Aggression in Children's Jokes, Maledicta 1,2:125-32

135.McKenzie, John (2005) Bums, poos and wees: Carnivalesque spaces in the picture books of early childhood. Or, has literature gone to the dogs? English Teaching: Practice and Critique May, 2005, Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 81-94 []

136.Mead, M. (1928) Coming of Age in Samoa. New York: William Morrow

137.Mechling, J. (1980) The Magic of the Boy Scout Campfire, J Am Folklore 93:35-6

138.Mechling, J. (1989) Children Folklore, in Oring, E. (Ed.) Folk Groups and Folklore Genres; an Introduction.  Utah State University Press, p91-120

139.Mechling, J. (2000) Children’s folklore, children’s brains, New Directions in Folklore 4, Oct. Available from [prev. at 1999 AFS Annual Meeting]

140.Mechling, J. (2001) On My Honor: Boy Scouts and the Making of American Youth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

141.Mechling, J. (upcoming monograph)

142.Meerlo (1958) Koprolalia, the child’s urge to use indecent words, Child Fam Digest 17,5:19-20

143.Merriam, A. P. (1971) Aspects of sexual behavior among the Bala (Basongye), in Marchall, D. S. & Suggs, R. C. (Eds.) Human Sexual Behavior: Variations in the Ethnographic Spectrum. New York: Basic Books, p71-102

144.Mitchell-Kernan, C. & Kernan, K. T. (1972) children’s insults: America and Samoa, Sanches, M. & Blount, B. G. (Eds.) Sociocultural Dimensions in Language Use. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, p161-79

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147.Murray, Th. E. (1990-5) Swearing as a Function of Gender in the Language of Midwestern American College Students: Who Does It More, What Do They Say, When and Where Do They Do It, and Why Do They Do It? Maledicta 11:139-52

148.Murray, Th. E. (1998) The Other Nicknames of American Greek-Letter Organizations, Names 46,2:113-32

149.Nagy, L. (1926) A sexualitas hatasa az ifjak tarsas eletenek kialakulasara [The influence of sexuality upon the development of social life in youth], A Gyermek [The Child] 19:65-76

150.Nayak, A. & Kehily, M. (1997) Masculinities and schooling: why are young men so homophobic? in Steinberg, D. L., Epstein, D. & Johnson, R. (Eds.) Border Patrols: Policing the Boundaries of Heterosexuality. London: Cassell, p138-61

151.O'Conor, A. (1995) Who gets called queer in school? in Unks, G. (Ed.) The Gay Teen: Educational Practice and Theory for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth. New York: Routledge / High School J 77,1-2:7-12

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157.Posen, Sh. (1974) Songs and Singing Traditions at Children's Summer Camp. Master's thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland

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163.Roiphe, H. & Galenson, E. (1972) Early genital activity and the castration complex, Psychoanal Quart 41,3:334-47;

164.Sacks, H. (1978) Some technical considerations of a dirty joke, in Schenkein, J. (Ed.) Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction. New York: Academic Press, p249-69

165.Sanders, J. S. & Robinson, W. L. (1979) Talking and not talking about sex: Male and female vocabularies, J Communication 29,2:22-30

166.Sanford, S. & Eder, D. (1984) Adolescent Humor during Peer Interaction, Social Psychol Quart 47,3:235-43

167.Sarrett, C. (1981) A translation of class socialization patters into children’s media related play behavior. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania

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Last revised: Aug 2005