Growing Up Sexually(Bibliographies)


8/Fantasies and Love


Main Index®Index Volume 3 ® Bibliography 8

Compiler’s Note


The following bibliography roughly supports Growing Up Sexually, Vol. II, chapter 15, ‘Rolling Down a Hill Together in Each Other’s Arms’, more generally covering psychomental properties of what is understood by “sexual” developments, including ‘love’, ‘romanticism’, ‘erotic fantasies’, ‘masturbation fantasies’, ‘sexual feelings’, and like variables.


Note: this bibliography may be updated monthly.


§   Alapack, R. J. (1984) Adolescent first love, Stud Soc Sci 23:101-7

§   Ames, L. B. (1966) Children’s Stories, Genet Psychol Monographs 73:337-96

§   Anttila, Anna (2001) [The Difficulty of Life and the Limits of Love - Writings by Pre-teens to Koululainen Magazine and its Internet Discussion Page], The Finnish Journal of Youth Research ("Nuorisotutkimus") Vol. 19, (2), pp. 21-35

§   Bearman, P. S., Moody, J. & Stovel, K. (2004) Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks, American Journal of Sociology 110, 1:44-92 [Old (2002) 40p preprint:]

§   Bearman, P. S., Moody, J., Stovel, K. et al. (2004) Social and Sexual Networks: The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, in Morris, Martina (Ed.) Network Epidemiology: A Handbook for Survey Design and Data Collection. Oxford University Press.

§   Bell, S. (1902/1966) A preliminary study of the emotion of love between the sexes, Am J Psychol 13,3:325-54

§   Birken, L. (1988) From Seduction Theory to Oedipus Complex: A Historical Analysis, New German Critique 43, winter:83-96

§   Blanchard (1953) Masturbation fantasies of children and adolescents, Bull Philadelphia Assoc Psychoanal 3:25-38

§   Boxer, A. M., Cook, J. A., and Herdt, G., (1989, August) First Homosexual and Heterosexual Experiences Reported by Gay and Lesbian Youth in an Urban Community. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, California

§   Bramblett, J. R. Jr. & Darling, C. A. (1997) Sexual contacts: Experiences, thoughts, and fantasies of adult male survivors of child sexual abuse, J Sex & Marit Ther 23,4:305-16

§   Briere, J. et al. (1994) Sexual fantasies, gender, and molestation history, Child Abuse & Negl 18,2:131-7

§   Broderick, C. (1965) Social heterosexual development among urban negroes & whites, J Marriage & Fam 27,May:200-3

§   Broderick, C. (1966) Socio-sexual development in a suburbian community J Sex Res 2,1:1-24

§   Bruhn, K. (1930) Tva kapitel om ynglingaalderns kaerleksliv. Foersta studien: Den foersta ungdomskaerleken [Two chapters on the love life of adolescent boys. First study: The first love of youth], Tidskr f Psykol & Pedagog Forskn 2:3-62

§   Brunner, R., Parzer, P. et al. (1999) Sexuelle Phantasien, Gewaltphantasien und Übertragungsphänomene bei Patienten mit sexuellen Missbrauchserfahrungen: Eine empirische Untersuchung psychoanalytischer Fallberichte, Psychotherapeut 44,5:307-12

§   Cameron, P. & Biber, H. (1973) Sexual thought throughout the life span, Gerontologist 13:144-7

§   Chick, D. & Gold, S. R. (1987/8) A review of influences on sexual fantasy: Attitudes, experience, guilt, and gender, Imagin Cogn & Personal 7,1:61-76

§   Compian, L., L. K. Gowen, et al. (2004) Peripubertal girls' romantic and platonic involvement with boys: Associations with body image and depression symptoms, Journal of Research on Adolescence 14,1:23-47

§   Collins, J. (1926) The Doctor Looks at Love and Life. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co.

§   Collins, J. (1931) The sex urge, its onset and management, in McDermott, J. (Ed.) The Sex Problem in Modern Society: An Anthology. New York: The Modern Library, p283-300

§   Corne, Sh., Briere, J. & Esses, L. M. (1992) Women’s attitudes and fantasies about rape as a function of early exposure to pornography, J Interpers Viol 7,4:454-61

§   Daleiden, E. L., Kaufman, K. L. et al. (1998) The sexual histories and fantasies of youthful males: A comparison of sexual offending, nonsexual offending, and nonoffending groups, Sexual Abuse 10,3:195-209

§   Dally, P. (1975) The Sexual Factor. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson [The Fantasy Game, 1977]. Dutch translation, Erotische Fantasieen, 1978

§   Davidson, Au. & Fay, J. (1952) Fantasy in Childhood. New York: Philosophical Library

§   Deutsch (1919) Der erste Liebeskummer eines 2järigen Knaben, Int Ztschr ärztl Psya 5:111-5

§   Dixon (1984) The commencement of bisexual activity in swinging married women over age thirty, J Sex Res 20,1:71-90

§   Doniger, W. (1993) When a lingam is just a good cigar: Psychoanalysis and Hindu sexual fantasies, in Boyer, L. B., Boyer, R. et al. (Eds.) The psychoanalytic study of society, Vol. 18: Essays in honor of Alan Dundes. (p81-103). Hillsdale, US, Analytic Press, Inc.

§   Dorado de Lisonda, A. B. (1996) Teorias sexuais infantis, Rev Brasil Psicanal 30,4:873-90

§   Ehrhardt & Meyer-Bahlburg (1986) [unconfirmed]

§   Eidelberg (1945) A contribution to the study of masturbation fantasies, Int J Psychoanal 25:127-37

§   Friday, N. (1975) Forbidden Flowers: More Women’s Sexual Fantasies. 1993 Mass Market Paperback Reissue edition

§   Friday, N. (1980) Men in Love. New York: Doubleday

§   Gadpaille, W. (1972) An infant’s sex fantasies, Sexology 38,11:62-6

§   Gardner, R. A. (1969) Sexual Fantasies in Childhood, Med Asp Hum Sex 3:121, 125, 127-8, 132-4

§   Gardner, R. A. (1991) Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited. Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics, p9-13

§   Gardner, R. A. (2001) The normal-sexual-fantasy consideration in sex-abuse evaluations, Am J Fam Ther 29,2:83-94

§   Georg, W. (1992) First sexual experience in West Germany and Hungary: a comparison with survival models, in Meeus, W., De Goede, M., Kox, W., &. Hurrelmann K. (Eds.) Adolescence, Careers, and Cultures. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter, p189-99

§   Giannakoulas, A. (2000) Teorie sessuali infantili e sessualita infantile, Richard e Piggle 8,1:16-24

§   Gold, S. R. & Gold, R. G. (1991) Gender differences in first sexual fantasies, J Sex Educ & Ther 17,3: 207-16

§   Gold, S. R. (1991) History of child sexual abuse and adult sexual fantasies, Violence Vict 6,1:75-82

§   Green, R. (1978) Sexual identity of 37 children raised by homosexual or transsexual parents, Am J Psychia 135,6:692-7. Cf. Ann Prog Child Psychia & Child Developm (1979):339-50

§   Gromus, B. (1993) Weibliche Phantasien und Sexualität. München: Quintessenz

§   Hearn, K. D., O’Sullivan, L. F., Dudley, C. D. (in press) Assessing reliability of urban adolescent girls’ reports of sexual and romantic behavior

§   Hedblom, J. H. (1973) Dimensions of lesbian sexual experience, Arch Sex Behav 2,4:329-43

§   Homosexuality and Bisexuality. Report # 5 to the Toronto Sun on the Third Annual Sun/COMPAS Sex Survey, September 23, 2000. Preliminary data available at

§   Jablonska, M. (1948) Proba analizy psychologicznej pierwszej milosci [A trial of a psychological analysis of the first love], Kwart Psychol 14,3-4:166-95, 217-9

§   Janzarik, W. (1982) [Scatophilic fantasies in prepuberty and Freud’s stages of psychosexual development, Nervenarzt 53,1:25-32

§   Jay, K. & Young, A. (1977/1979) The Gay Report. New York: Summit Books

§   Just (1897) Die Liebe im Kindesalter, Praxis Erziehungskunde 11

§   Kephart (1973) Evaluation of romantic love, Med Asp Hum Sex 7:92,98, 100,106-8

§   Kernberg, P. F. & Richards, A. K. (1994) An application of psychoanalysis: The psychology of love in preadolescents as seen through children’s letters, in Richards, A. K. & Richards, A. D. (Eds.) The Spectrum of Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Martin S. Bergmann. Madison, CT.: International Universities Press, p199-218

§   Kirkendall, L. & McBride, L. (1990) Preadolescent and adolescent imagery and sex fantasies: beliefs and experiences, in Perry, M. (Ed.) Handbook of Sexology: Volume 7: Childhood and Adolescent Sexology. New York: Elsevier , p263-86

§   Koenig, N. S. (1997) Sexualisierung und Sexualität in der Kindertherapie, Zeitschr f Individualpsychol 22,4:313-24

§   Kooden et al. (1979) [unconfirmed]

§   Kuttler, A. F. & La Greca, A. M. (2004) Linkages among adolescent girls' romantic relationships, best friendships, and peer networks, Journal of Adolescence 27,4:395-414

§   Laan, M. (1994) Kinderen en hun Beleving van Lichamelijkheid. Doctoraalscriptie Universiteit van Amsterdam/NISSO

§   Laan, M., Rademakers, J. & Straver, C. (1996) Beleving lichamelijkheid en intimiteit door kinderen, Kind & Adolescent 17,1:32-7

§   Langfeldt, Th. (1977/1979/1981a) Processes in sexual development, in Constantine, L. & Martinson, F. (Eds., 1981) Children and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p37-44

§   Langfeldt, Th. (1981b) Childhood masturbation: individual and social organization, in Constantine, L. & Martinson, F. (Eds.) Children and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p63-72, at p67-8

§   Lanyado, M., Hodges, J. et al. (1995) Understanding boys who sexually abuse other children: A clinical illustration, Psychoanal Psychother 9,3:231-42

§   LaPlanche, J. & Pontalis, J. B. (1968) Fantasy and the origin of sexuality, Int J Psychoanal 49,1 :1-18

§   Laufer, M. & Laufer, E. (1992) [The central masturbation fantasy], Psychia Enfant 35,1:7-17

§   Lehne, G. K. (1978) Gay male fantasies and realities, J Soc Iss 34,3:28-37

§   Leite, R. M. C. & Buoncompagno, E. M. (1995) Psychosexual characteristics of male university students in Brazil, Adolescence 30,118 :363-80

§   Leite, R. M. C. & Buoncompagno, E. M. et al. (1994) Psychosexual characteristics of female university students in Brazil, Adolescence 29,114:439-60

§   Leitenberg, H. & Henning, K. (1995) Sexual fantasy, Psychol Bull 117,3:469-96

§   Leroy, M. (1993) Pleasure: The Truth about Female Sexuality. London: HarperCollins

§   Linday (1994) Maternal reports of pregnancy, genital and related fantasies in preschool and kindergarten children, J Am Acad Child & Adol Psychia 33,3:416-23

§   Löwenfeld, L. (1911) Über die Sexuelle Konstitution und Andere Sexualprobleme.Wiesbaden: Bergmann

§   Lukianowicz, N. (1960) Imaginary sexual partner, Arch Gen Psychia 3, Oct.:429-49. Also in Masters, R.E.L. (Ed.) Das Heimliche Laster.München: Lichtenberg Verlag, p53-84

§   Luria, Z. (1982) Sexual fantasy and pornography: two cases of girls brought up with pornography, Arch Sex Behav 11,5:395-404

§   Martinson, F. M. (1973) Infant and Child Sexuality: A Sociological Perspective. Saint Peter: The Book Mark, Gustavas Aldolphus College

§   Martinson, F. M. (1994) The Sexual Life of the Child. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, ch.5

§   Masson, J. M. (1984) The Assault on Truth: Freud’s Suppression of the Seduction Theory. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux

§   Mellor, D. (2005) Popular Romance, the Playground, the Classroom and the Complexities of Everyday. Fifth Annual Gender and Education Conference hosted by Cardiff University, 29-31 March, 2005

§   Mellor, D. (2004) 'Best Friends and True Loves - Romance in Children's Relationship Cultures' Presented at 'Pleasure and Danger Revisited, Sexualities in the 21st Century' Conference , School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, 30 June-2 July.

§   Mellor, D. (200X) ‘Playground Romance: An ethnography of children's investments in romantic love’. Doctoral thesis in preparation

§   Meston, C. M. et al. (1999) The relation between early abuse and adult sexuality, J Sex Res 36,4:385-95

§   Meyer-Bahlburg, H., Ehrhardt et al. (1985) Idiopathic precocious puberty in girls: Psychosexual development, J Youth & Adol 14,4:339-53

§   Miller, A. (1981) Du Sollst Nicht Merken. Translated as Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child. New York: New American Library, 1984

§   Moll, A. (1908) Das Sexualleben des Kindes. Leipzig: Vogel. See also the 1912 translation, The Sexual Life of the Child.

§   Money, J. & Alexander, D. (1969) Psychosexual development and absence of homosexuality in males with precocious puberty, J Nerv & Ment Dis 148,2:111-23

§   Montgomery, M. J. & Sorell, G. T. (1998) Love and dating experience in early and middle adolescence: Grade and gender comparisons, J Adolesc 21,6:677-89

§   Mordock, J. B. (1974) Sibling Sexual Fantasies in Family Therapy: A Case Report, J Fam Couns 2,1:60-5

§   Naumann- Machado, R. (1996) As teorias sexuais da infancia e o pre-consciente, Rev Brasil Psicanal 30,4:865-72

§   Newman, B. S. & Muzzonigro, P. G. (1993) The Effects of Traditional Family Values on the Coming Out Process of Gay Male Adolescents, Adolescence 28,109:213-26

§   Nydes (1950) The magical experience of the masturbation fantasy, Am J Psychother 4:303-10

§   O’Sullivan, L. F., Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F. L. (in press) African-American and Latina inner-city girls’ reports of romantic and sexual development. Journal of Social & Personal Relationships

§   Pellaccio, J. (1996) Masturbation fantasies in a prelatency girl, J Am Psychoanal Assoc 44(Suppl.):333-50

§   Pfister, O. (1922) Die Liebe des Kindes und ihre Fehlentwicklungen: Ein Buch für Eltern und Berufserzieher. Bern: Verlag Ernst Bircher Aktiengesellschaft. Translated as  Love in Children and its Aberrations (1924). New York, Dodd, Mead

§   Pfister, O. (1925) Kinderliebe und Flirt, in Die Liebe vor der Ehe. Bern: Bircher Aktiengesellschaft, p204-7

§   Pitcher, E. G. & Prelinger, E. (1963) Children Tell Stories: An Analysis of Fantasy. New York: International Universities

§   Pongthai, S. (1992) First masturbation, sex dream, coitus and homosexual contact of Thai medical students, in Bezemer, W. et al. (Eds.) Sex Matters. Amsterdam [etc.]: Excerpta Medica, p177-9

§   Prescott, J. (1996) The origins of human love and violence, Pre- & Perinatal Psychol J 10, 3:143-88

§   Rademakers, J., Laan, M. & Straver, C. (2000) Studying children’s sexuality from the child’s perspective, J Psychol & Hum-Sex 12,1/2: 49-60

§   Rodriguez, R. A. (1988) Significant events in gay identity development. Gay men in Utah. Paper presented at the 96 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.

§   Rosario, M., Meyer-Bahlburg, H. et al. (1996) The psychosexual development of urban lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, J Sex Res 33,2:113-26

§   Rosenfeld, E. L., Huesmann, R., Eron, L. D. & Tomey-Purta, J. V. (1982) Measuring Patterns of Fantasy Behavior in Children, J Personal & Social Psychol 42,3:47-66

§   Royer, H. & Keller, M. (2005) Young Adolescents' Perceptions of Romantic Relationships. 29th Annual MNRS Research Conference (April 1-4, 2005), Cincinnati, OH

§   Ryan, Miyoshi & Krugman (1988), as cited by Ryan, G. (2000). Childhood sexuality: A decade of study. Part I-research and curriculum development, Child Abuse & Neglect 24:33-48

§   Sadger, J. (1921) Die Lehre von den Geschlechtsverirrungen (Psychopathia Sexualis) auf Psychoanalytische Grundlage. Vienna: Deuticke, p37-9

§   Sandler, J. (1975) Sexual fantasies and sexual theories in childhood, in Monograph Series of the Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 5:149-62. Reprinted in From Safety to Superego: Selected Papers of Joseph Sandler (1987). New York, NY, US: The Guilford Press

§   Savin-Williams, R. C. (1996) Memories of childhood and early adolescent sexual feelings among gay and sexual boys: A narrative approach, in Savin-Williams, R. C. & Cohen, K.M. (Eds.) The Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: Children to Adults (p94-109). Orlando, FL, US: Harcourt Brace College Publishers

§   Schbankow (1922) reported by Weiþenberg (1924)

§   Schlaegel, J. et al. (1975a) Sexuelle Sozialisation in Vorpubertät, Pubertät und früher Adoleszens, Sonderdruck aus Sexualmedizin 4:206-18;306-25;381-8

§   Schlaegel, J. et al. (1975b) Development of sexual attitudes between 11 and 16 years of age, in Schellen, T. (Ed.) Sexual Behaviour and Contraception in Adolescence, p70-9

§   Schmidt, G. & Sigusch, V. (1973) Jugendsexualität: Dokumentation einer Untersuchung. Stuttgart: Enke

§   Schoof-Tams, K., Schlaegel, H. & Walzak, L. (1976) Differentiation of sexual morality between 11 and 16 years, Arch Sex Behav 5:353-70

§   Silbereisen, R. K. & Schwarz, B. (1998) Timing of First Romantic Involvement: Commonalities and Differences in the Former Germanies, in Nurmi, J. (Ed.) Adolescents, Cultures, and Conflicts: Growing Up in Contemporary Europe. New York: Garland, p129-48

§   Silbereisen, R. K. & Wiesner, M. (2000) Cohort change in adolescent developmental timetables after German unification: Trends and possible reasons, in Heckhausen, J. (Eds.) Motivational Psychology of Human Development: Developing Motivation and Motivating Development. Advances in Psychology, 131. New York: Elsevier Science, p271-84

§   Silverstein, J. L. (1994) Power and sexuality: Influence of early object relations, Psychoanal Psychol 11,1:33-46

§   Smith, S. G. (1997) Parental sexual communication as a moderator of adult sexual functioning in women reporting histories of childhood sexual abuse. Dissertation, DAI-B 57(9-B):5933

§   Sorensen, R. C. (1973) Adolescent Sexuality in Contemporary America. New York: World Publishing

§   Speyer (1904) Die Liebe bei den Kindern, Die Kinderfehler 9:21-5

§   Stoller, R. J. (1976) Sexual excitement, Arch Gen Psychia 33,8:899-909

§   Stoller, R. J. (1985) Observing the Erotic Imagination. New Haven, CT, US: Yale University Press

§   Sullivan, P. (1992) [Radiating masturbation fantasy], Psychia Enfant 35,1:33-42

§   Sutton-Smith, B. & Abrams, D. M. (1976) Psychosexual material in the stories told by children, in Gemme, R. & Wheeler, C. C. (Eds.) Progress in Sexology. NY: Plenum Press, p491-504

§   Thorne, E. (1971) Your Erotic Fantasies. London: Spearman, [p9-31]

§   Tolman, D., Spencer, R., Rosen-Reynoso, M., Harmon, T. & Striepe, M. (2004) Getting close, staying cool: Early adolescent boys’ experiences with romantic relationships, in Way, N. & Chu, J. (Eds.) Adolescent Boys in Context. New York: New York University Press.

§   Torrance, E. P. (1983) The importance of falling in love with “something”, Creative Child & Adult Quart 8,2:72-8

§   Weisfeld, G. E. & Woodward, L. (2004) Current evolutionary perspectives on adolescent romantic relations and sexuality, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 43,1:11-19

§   Weiþenberg (1924) [Weiteres über][D]as Geschlechtsleben der Russischen Studentinnen, Ztsch f Sexualwiss 11,1:7-14; 12,6:174-6;?:209-16

§   Wermer, H. & Levin, S. (1967) Masturbation fantasies: The changes with growth and development, Psychoanal Study Child 22:315-28

§   Wolman, B. (1951) Sexual development in Israeli adolescents, Am J Psychother 5:531-59

§   Wulffen, E. (1913) Das Kind: Sein Wesen und Entartung. Berlin: Langenscheidt

§   Xhrouet-Heinrichs, D. et al. (1997) Longitudinal study of behavioral and affective patterns in girls with central precocious puberty during long-acting triptoelin therapy, Acta Paediatr 86,8:808-15

§   Zulliger, H. (1961) Kinderfehler im Frühalter. Zürich: Werner Classen, p80-90





Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Jan 2006