Growing Up Sexually(Bibliographies)


31/Age Dynamics and Female Love



Main Index®Index Volume 3 ® Bibliography 31


Compiler’s Notes:


The analytic in psychodynamic musings about maternal erotic transferences and Oedipality has been queered by an ethnohistorical carthography of polymorphous female modes of loving in which the maternal, pedagogical and lesbian seem to have lost their original fixed positions, and hegemonic Western ring. I remember Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues (which I consumed on audio only) raised concern about a seduction scene. Thus, a bibliography.

Related in bibliography 3 on the male case, and 25 on “Eros” and the Pedagogical Institute.


MDSA claims to be “the only organization in the world specializing in mother-daughter sexual abuse” (as accessed April 24, 2005), also offering a section on “Recommended Reading”.


Note: this bibliography may be updated monthly.


§         Appelt, Hertha Richter (1993) Die Bedeutung der Sexualität in der Beziehung zwischen Müttern und Kindern, pro familia magazin, Sexualpädagogik & Familienplanung 6:10-11

§         Arney, W. R. (1980) Maternal-Infant Bonding: The Politics of Falling in Love with Your Child, Feminist Stud 6,3:547-70

§         Bennett, C. (1994) Concerning Sappho schoolmistress, Transactions of the American Philological Association 124:345-348 [cf. Parker, 1993]

§         Blacking, J. (1959) Fictitious Kinship Amongst Girls of the Venda of the Northern Transvaal, Man 59:155-8

§         Blacking, J. (1978) Uses of the kinship idiom in friendships at some Venda and Zulu schools, in Argyle, J. & Preston-Whyte, E. (Eds.) Social System and Tradition in Southern Africa. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, p101-17

§         Calame, C. (1997) Choruses of Young Women in Ancient Greece: Their Morphology, Religious Role, and Social Functions, translated from the French by Derek Collins and Jane Orion. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield

§         Chow, E. & Choy A. (2002) Clinical characteristics and treatment response to SSRI in a female pedophile, Arch Sex Behav 31,2:211-5

§         Crosson, Cynthia (2005) Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect. Allyn & Bacon [section on ‘Mother-Daughter Incest’]

§         De Ras, Marion E. P. (1986) "'Wenn der Körper restlos rhythmisch ist und hemmungslos innerviert...'. Mädchenästhetik im Wandervogel". In: Schock und Schöpfung. Jugendästhetik im 20. Jahrhundert. Darmstadt & Neuwied: Luchterhand Verlag, p412-6

§         De Ras, Marion E. P. (1988a) Pedagogische Eros en het 'eiland' in de Duitse meisjesbeweging, in De kunst van het mores leren. Liber Amicorum Prof.J.Dibbits. Amersfoort Leuven: Acco, p 87-93 [Dutch]

§         De Ras, Marion E. P. (1988b) Körper, Eros und weibliche Kultur: Mädchen im Wandervogel und in der Bündischen Jugend, 1900-1933. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft. Reihe Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 15. Dissertation Amsterdam, 1988

§         De Ras, Marion E. P. (1992) The Domain of the Wandervogel Girls, Paidika, Vol. 2, number 4, Issue 8, Winter 1992, pp. 76-82

§         De Ras, Marion E. P. (2006) Body, Femininity and Nationalism: Girls in the German Youth Movement 1900-1935. 1st Edition. Series: Routledge Research in Gender and Society  Volume: 6 [expected] Publication Date: 5/28/2006

§         de Ronde Nora (1992) A Crush on my Girl-Scout Leader, in Sax, M. & Deckwitz, S. (Eds., 1992) Op een Oude Fiets Moet je Het Leren: Erotische en seksuele relaties tussen vrouwen en jonge meisjes. Amsterdam: Schorer [Dutch]. Special Edition of Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia 2,4:37-42 (Issue 8)

§         Edwards, Elizabeth (1995) Homoerotic Friendship and College Principals, 1880-1960, Women’s History Review 4,2:149-63

§         Fitzroy II., Lee (1999) Mother/Daughter Incest: Making Sense of the Unthinkable, Feminism Psychology 9:402-5

§         Gabb J. (2001a) Desirous Subjects and Parental Identities: Toward a Radical Theory on (Lesbian) Family Sexuality, Sexualities 4,3:333-52

§         Gabb, J. (2001b) Querying the discourses of love: An analysis of contemporary patterns of love and the stratification of intimacy within lesbian families, Eur J Women’s Studies 8,3:313-28

§         Gabb, J. (2004) ‘I could eat my baby to bits’: passion and desire in lesbian mother-children love. Gender, Place & Culture 11,3:399-415

§         Goodwin, J. & DiVasto, P. (1989) Female homosexuality: A sequel to mother-daughter incest, in Goodwin, J. M. (Ed.) Sexual Abuse: Incest Victims and Their Families (2nd ed.) (pp. 140-6). Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.

§         Harris,-Laura-A. (2002) Femme/butch family romances: A queer dyke spin on compulsory heterosexuality, Journal-of-Lesbian-Studies 6(2):73-84

§         Hennegan, Alison (2005) Victorian girlhood: eroticizing the maternal, maternalizing the erotic. 25 June 2005 2nd History of Childhood Workshop, University of Oxford, "Adults' Minds and Children's Bodies"

§         Hinz, Arnold (2001) Geschlechtsstereotype bei der Wahrnehmung von Situationen als „sexueller Missbrauch”: Eine experimentelle Studie, Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 14:214-25

§         Janssen, D. F. (2003) Enculturation Curricula, Abuse Categorisation and the Globalist/Culturalist Project: The Genital Reference. Issues in Child Abuse Accusations 13(1) [web-accessible]

§         Klinck, Anne L. (2005) "Sleeping in the Bosom of a Tender Companion": Homoerotic Attachments in Sappho, Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 49, Nos. 3/4:193-208. Published simultaneously as Same-Sex Desire and Love in Greco-Roman Antiquity and in the Classical Tradition of the West. Edited by Beert C. Verstraete. Haworth

§         Knopf, Marina (1993) Sexuelle Kontakte zwischen Frauen und Kindern. Ueberlegungen zu einem nicht realisierbaren Forschungsprojekt, Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 6:23-35

§         Leavitt, Melissa (2005) The Mother-Daughter Marriage: Gilmore Girls and the Recuperation of Nonsexual Female Intimacy. 2005 PCA/ACA National Conference, San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina, March 23-26

§         Lopez, Kathryn Jean (2000) The Cookie Crumbles, The Girl Scouts go PC, National Review October 23, 2000 [ as accessed April 24, 2005]

§         Maltz,-Robin (2002) Genesis of a femme and her desire: Finding mommy and daddy in butch/femme, Journal of Lesbian Studies 6.2:61-71

§         Manahan, Nancy (1997) On My Honor: Lesbians Reflect on Their Scouting Experience. Madwoman Press

§         Marin, L. (1994) Mother and Child: The Erotic Bond, in Reddy, M. T., Roth, M. & Sheldon, A. (Eds.) Mother Journeys: Feminists Write about Mothering. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, p9-21

§         McCullough, M. Kate (2005) Dyke Moms and Narrative Form: How to Queer the Maternal. Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Annual Conference, Reed College from Friday, November 5 through Sunday, November 7, 2004

§         Moore, A. (2002) Meet 'Women's Auxiliary of NAMBLA', Website celebrates sex between adult women, young girls, WorldNetDaily, July 22, 2002 [ as accessed April 24, 2005]

§         Ogilvie, Beverly A. (2004) Mother-Daughter Incest, A Guide for Helping Professionals. New York . London . Oxford: The Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press, An Imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc.

§         Ogle, J. P. & Damhorst, M. L. (2004) Constructing and deconstructing the body malleable through mother-daughter interactions, Sociological Inquiry 74,2:180-209

§         Parker, H. N. (1993) Sappho schoolmistress, Transactions of the American Philological Association 123:309-351 [cf. Bennett, 1994]

§         Peterson, Andrea L. T. (1998) Lesbians are to Scouting as Sunshine is to Summer...An Interview with Nancy Manahan, CAMP Rehoboth [Delaware], Vol. 8, No. 3, April 10, 1998 [ accessed April 24, 2005]

§         Pomeroy, S. B. (2002) Spartan Women. Oxford University Press

§         Raja, Ira (2003) Desiring daughters : intergenerational connectedness in recent Indian fiction, Women’s Studies 7,32:853-74

§         Rijnaarts, José (1990) Een oud tahoe of een nieuw probleem? Vrouwen die incest plegen, Opzij, April [Dutch]

§         Rijnaarts, José (1998) Bestaan er ook pedofiele hopvrouwen? Opzij, March, p81 [Dutch]

§         Russell, Christy (2005) Mama's Girl: An Exploration of the Homoerotic Gothic Axis of the Mother/Daughter Bond in Sophia Lee's The Recess and Regina Maria Roche's Children of the Abbey. 2005 PCA/ACA National Conference, San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina, March 23-26

§         Sandfort, Th. (1992) "The World is Bursting with Adults, so I'm always Glad to See a Little Girl", in Sax, M. & Deckwitz, S. (Eds., 1992) Op een Oude Fiets Moet je Het Leren: Erotische en seksuele relaties tussen vrouwen en jonge meisjes. Amsterdam: Schorer [Dutch]. Special Edition of Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia 2,4:65-75

§         Sax, M. & Deckwitz, S. (Eds., 1992) Op een Oude Fiets Moet je Het Leren: Erotische en seksuele relaties tussen vrouwen en jonge meisjes. Amsterdam: Schorer [Dutch]. Special Edition of Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia 2,4 (Issue 8)

§         Sykes, Heather (2004) The Angel’s Playground: Same-Sex Desires of Physical Education Teachers, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education 1,1:3-32

§         Traina, C. L. H. (2000) Maternal experience and the boundaries of Christian sexual ethics, Signs 25,2:369-405

§         Traina,-Cristina-L-H  (1998) Passionate Mothering: Toward an Ethic of Appropriate Mother-Child Intimacy, The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 18:177-96

§         Troisier, Helene (2003) L’empreinte érotique de la mère sur la fille [The erotic imprint of mother on daughter], Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 67,1:65-93

§         Vicinus, Martha (1984) Distance and desire: English boarding school friendships, 1870-1920, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 9,4: 600-622. Reprinted in The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs, eds. Estelle B. Freedman, et al (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985). Also reprinted in M. B. Duberman, M. Vicinus & G. Chauncey, jr (Eds., 1989/1991) Hidden from history: reclaiming the gay and lesbian past. London: Penguin, 1989, p212-29. Translated: “Afstand en verlangen. Vrouwenvriendschappen op engelse kostscholen, 1870-1920,” Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies, 5/3:308-32 (1984) [Dutch]

§         Vicinus, Martha (2004) Intimate Friends: Women Who Loved Women, 1778-1928. University of Chicago Press [ch.5, ‘ “A Strenuous Pleasure”: Daughter-Mother Love’, p109-42]

§         Weiss, M. (1998) Conditions of mothering: The bio-politics of falling in love with your child, Soc Sci J 35,1:87-105

§         Wenderhold, J. (1973) Pedofemie: een visie van Jan Westerhold, Chick 5:31 [Dutch]

§         Winkel, G. (1992) ‘Meisje, is bobi krijg je, nô?’, in Sax, M. & Deckwitz, S. (1992) Op een Oude Fiets Moet je Het Leren. Amsterdam: Schorer, p87-97 [Dutch]. Also as Paidika [Holland] 2,4(8):43-8





Janssen, D. F., Growing Up Sexually. 0.2 ed. 2004. Berlin: Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology

Last revised: Jul 2005