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Francoeur: Publications

Robert T. Francoeur, Ph.D., A.C.S.: Publications


A. Books Authored/Edited

Francoeur, R.T., & R.J. Noonan, eds. 2004. The Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality. New York/London: Continuum International. In-depth reports of sex, love, marriage and family in 62 countries, compiled by 280 scholars. Updates of 49 countries in the four volume International Encyclopedia of Sexuality plus 13 new countries.

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 2001. International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, v. 4. New York/London: Continuum International. (Covering 17 countries)

Francoeur, R.T., & W. Taverner, eds. 2000. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford CT: Dushkin. 7th ed. 

Francoeur, R.T., P.B. Koch, & D.L. Weiss, eds. 1999. Sexuality in America: Understanding Our Sexual Values and Behavior. New York: Continuum International.

Francoeur, R.T., M. Cornog & T. Perper, eds. 1999. Sex, Love, and Marriage in the 21st Century: The Next Sexual Revolution.1999. Lincoln NE: toExcell/iUniverse.

Francoeur, R.T., & W. Taverner, eds. 1998. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford CT: Dushkin. 6th ed. 

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1997. International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, v. 1-3.  New York/London: Continuum Press. (Covering 32 countries).

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1996. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford CT: Dushkin. 5th ed.

Kohl, J., & R.T. Francoeur. 1995. The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality. 1995. 2002. New York: Continuum Press.   2nd ed. Lincoln NE: iUniverse Press.

Francoeur, R.T., M.Cornog, T. Perper, & N.A. Scherzer. 1994. A Complete Dictionary of Sexology, Revised and Expanded. New York: Continuum Press.

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1993.Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. 1993. Guilford CT: Dushkin.  4th ed.

Francoeur, R.T., M. Cornog, T. Perper, N.A. Scherzer, & G. Sellmer. 1991. A Descriptive Dictionary and Atlas of Human Sexuality. New York: Greenwood/Praeger Publishers.

Francoeur, R.T., 1991; 1984; 1982. Becoming A Sexual Person.   2nd ed. New York: Macmillan; Brief edition: 1984; 1st ed. 1982. New York: John Wiley & Sons College Text Division.

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1991.Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford CT: Dushkin. 3rd ed.

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1989. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford CT: Dushkin.  2nd ed.

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1987. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality. Guilford CT: Dushkin. 1st ed.

Francoeur, R.T. 1983. Biomedical Ethics: A Guide To Decision Making. New York: John Wiley & Sons College Text Division..

Francoeur, A.K., & R.T. Francoeur. 1975; 1974. Hot and Cool Sex: Cultures in Conflict. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; Cranbury NJ: A.S. Barnes.

Francoeur, R.T., ed. 1974. The Future of Sexual Relations. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Francoeur, R.T. 1973. Hot and Cool Sex; Fidelity in Marriage. Topanga Canyon CA: Nexus Press.

Francoeur, R.T. 1972; 1973; 1973. Eve's New Rib: 20 Faces of Sex, Marriage and Family. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; London: MacGibbon & Kee;  New York: Delta Paperbacks..

Francoeur, R.T. 1970. Evolving World, Converging Man. New York: Holt Rinehart Winston.

Francoeur, R.T. 1970; 1973, 1974, 1977. Utopian Motherhood; New Trends In Human Reproduction.  New York: Doubleday; Cranbury NJ: A.S. Barnes. UK: London: Allen & Unwin, 1971.

Francoeur, R.T. 1965. Perspectives in Evolution. Baltimore MD: Helicon Press.

Francoeur, R.T. 1961. The World of Teilhard de Chardin.  Baltimore MD: Helicon.


B. Chapters in Handbooks, Anthologies, and Encyclopedias (Partial Listing):

Francoeur, R.T. 2001. Current Religious Doctrines of Sexual and Erotic Development in Childhood. In J.K. Davidson & N.B. Moore, eds. Speaking of Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Readings. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.

Francoeur, R.T. 1999. Love and Marriages for the Millennium: Puritans and Pagans View the Future. In: Sexuality in the Millennium: Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of Sexology, Hong Kong SAR China, 1999.Bologna: Editrice Compositori, 2000.  pp. 23-26.

Francoeur, R.T. 1999. Sexuality. In: M. Sussman & S. Steinmetz, eds. Handbook of Marriage and the Family. 2nd ed.  New York: Plenum Publishers pp. 743-766.

Francoeur, R.T. 1997. From Theology to Evolution to Embryology and Sex: The Making of One Sexologist. In: B. Bullough, V.L. Bullough, M.A. Fithian, et al., eds. "How I Got into Sex." Buffalo NY: Prometheus Press.

Francoeur, R.T. 1996. Sex Codes: Evolutionary Stages of Self-Awareness, Human Consciousness, and Sexual Codes. In: G.T. Kurian & G.T.T. Molitor, eds. Encyclopedia of the Future. New York: Macmillan Library Reference USA (Simon & Shuster Macmillan). Vol. 2:830-834.

Francoeur, R.T. 1993. Sexuality and Spirituality: The Relevance of Eastern traditions. In: O. Pocs, ed. Human Sexuality 94-95 Annual Edition. Guilford CT: Dushkin Publishing Group. pp. 6-12.

Francoeur, R.T. 1992. The rReligious Suppression of Sex and Sexual Pleasure. D. Steinberg, ed. Reclaiming the Erotic Impulse. New  York: Jeremy Tarcher.

Francoeur, R.T. 1994. Adultery (pp. 8-12); Embryology, Generative Organs (pp. 183-189); Genetics and Sex (pp. 245-248); Parthenogenesis (pp. 437-438); and Religion and Sexuality (pp. 514-520). In: V.L. Bullough, ed. The Encyclopedia of Sexuality. Buffalo NY: Prometheus Press.  

Francoeur, R.T. 1993. Technological Changes, Sexuality, and Family Futures Planning. In: B.Settles, R. Hanks & M. Sussman, eds. American Families and The Future: Analyses of Possible Destinies. New York: Haworth.

Francoeur, R.T. 1990. Historical and Sociocultural Perspectives in Human Sexuality, (pp. 1-10); Cross-Cultural and Religious Perspectives, (pp. 11-18); and Pharmacosexology: The Sexual Side Effects of Medications and Other Drugs, (pp. 445-464). In: J.F. Leyson, ed. Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal Cord Injury Patient.  Clifton NJ: Humana Press. 

Francoeur, R.T. 1990. Current Religious Doctrines of Sexual and Erotic Development in Childhood. In: M. Perry, ed. The Handbook of Sexology. Vol, 7. Childhood and Adolescent Sexology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. pp. 81-112.

Francoeur, R.T. 1989. New Dimensions of Human Sexouality. In: R. Iles, ed. The Gospel Imperative in the Midst of Aids: Towards a Prophetic Pastoral Theology. Atlanta GA: Morehouse Press. pp. 79-98.

Francoeur, R.T. 1989, 1990. The Linchpin Question: When Does a Human Become a Person, and Why?.  In: E. Doerr & J.W. Prescott, eds. Fetal "Personhood," Brain Development and the Abortion Issue: Scientific, Legal and Ethical Perspectives. Long Beach CA: Centerline Press. pp. 110-116.

Francoeur, R.T. 1987. In Two Different Worlds, Speaking Two Different Languages. In R. Nugent & J. Gramick, eds. The Vatican and Homosexuality. New York: Crossroads Publishing. pp. 189-200.

Francoeur, R.T. 1986. Reproductive Technologies: 1964, 1984, and Beyond. In: M. Marien & L. Jennings, eds. What I Have Learned: Thinking about the Future, Then and Now. Greenwood Press. pp. 61-71.

Francoeur, R.T. 1986. Sexuality. In: M. Sussman & S. Steinmetz, eds. The Handbook of Marriage and the Family. New York: Plenum Press. pp. 509-534.

Francoeur, R.T. 1985. The Impact of Sexuality, Professional Authoritarianism and Health Crises on Rehabilitation. In: M. Tallmer, et al., eds. Sexuality and Life-Threatening Illness. Springfield IL: C.C. Thomas. pp. 5-15.

Francoeur, R.T. 1985. From Then to Now: The Evolution of Bioethical Decision Making in Perinatal Intensive Care. In: C.C. Harris & F. Snowden, eds. Bioethical Frontiers In Perinatal Intensive Care. Northwestern Louisiana State University Press. pp. 19-38.

Francoeur, R.T. 1984. Transformations in Human Reproduction.; and Moral Concepts in the Year 2020. In: L Kirkendal &  A. Gravatt, eds. Sex and Marriage in the Year 2020. Buffalo NY: Prometheus Press. pp. 89-105 and pp. 183-205.

Francoeur, R.T. 1979. Hot and Cool Sex: Closed and Open Marriage. In: G. Spanier, ed. Human Sexuality in a Changing Society. Burgess. pp. 121-128.

Francoeur, R.T. 1977. Hot and Cool Sex: Fidelity in Marriage. In: R. Libby & R. Whitehurst, eds. Marriage and Alternatives: Exploring Intimate Relationships. Scott, Foresman. pp. 302-318.

Francoeur, R.T. 1976. Human Nature and Human Relations. In: R. Bundy, ed. Images of the Future: The Twenty-First Century and Beyond. Buffalo NY: Prometheus Press. pp. 125-134.

Francoeur, R.T. 1975. We Can, We Must: Reflections on the Technological Imperative In: J.W. Maxwell, ed. The Family in the Ecosystem. Dubuque IA: Kendall-Hunt. pp. 76-81.

Francoeur, R.T. 1974. Social Sex: The New Single Standard for Men and Women. In: M. Tripp, ed. Women in the Year 2000.  New York: Arbor Books. pp. 164-178.

Francoeur, R.T. 1974. Experimental Embryology as a Tool for Saving Endangered Species  In: R.D. Martin. ed. The Breeding of Endangered Species in Captivity. Academic Press. pp. 357-360.

Francoeur, R.T. 1973. Conflict, Cooperation and the Collectivization of Man. In: S. Farber, ed. Teilhard de Chardin: In Quest of Perfection. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. pp. 226-244.

Francoeur, R.T. 1973. Utopian Motherhood and Population Control. In: R.A. Paoletti, ed. Genetic Engineering and Bioethics. New York: MMS Information. pp. 76-84.

Francoeur, R.T. 1973. Hot and Cool Sex: Fidelity in Marriage. In: R.W. Libby & R.N. Whitehurst, eds. Renovating Marriage: Toward New Sexual Lifestyles. Danville CA: pp. 302-318.

Francoeur, R.T. 1968. A Non-Problem. In: R. Hoyt, ed. The Birth Control Debate: An Interim History. St. Louis: National Catholic Reporter.  pp. 206-207.

Francoeur, R.T. 1968. Science and Human Values in the Future of Man. In C. Angoff, ed. Humanities in the Age of Science. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. pp. 46-65.

Francoeur, R.T. 1966. A la tormenta en America. In: L. Pyle, ed. Le Pildora y el Control de Natalidad. Lisbon: DIMA. pp.223-234.

Francoeur, R.T. LA PILLOLA E LA REGOLAZIONE DELLA NASCITE. L. Pyle, ed. Milan: Bompiani. Aggiunta alla parte I, Captiolo III, pp. 211-222.

Francoeur, R.T. 1964. Addendum to the Storm in America. In: L. Pyle, ed. The Pill and Birth Regulation. Pyle, ed. Baltimore MD: Helicon Press.   pp. 213-224.


C. 59 Publications in Professional Journals (a partial listing):

Francoeur, R.T. 2002 (Fall). Christian Sexual Morality: A House of Cards Built on Stoic Philosophies?  Spirituality and Sexuality (Westport CT).

Francoeur, R.T. 2001. Challenging Collective Religious/Social Beliefs about Sex, Marriage and Family. 2001. J. Sex Ed. Therapy. 26(4):281-290.

Francoeur, R.T. 2000 (April/May). Ethnic Views of Sexuality in Nigeria. SIECUS Report. 28(4):8-12.

Francoeur, R.T. 1994 (Winter). Covenants, Intimacy, and Marital Diversity. Humanistic Judaism. pp. 16-20.

Francoeur, R.T. 1992 (April/May). Sexuality and Spirituality: The Relevance of Eastern Traditions. SIECUS Report. 20(4):1-8. 55.


D. Over 120 NON-TECHNICAL ARTICLES on marriage, theology, human evolution, reproductive technologies, medical ethics, marriage, sexuality, Teilhard de Chardin, and education in such diverse publications as: Commonweal, National Catholic Reporter, Methodist Woman, Modern Schoolman, Catholic World, Free Inquiry, Harpers Weekly, The Catholic Mind, Spiritual Life, Marriage, Catholic Digest, St Louis Review, The Critic, Humanistic Judaism, The Humanist, Forum, Sexology, Jubilee, The Sign, The Herald & Twentieth Century (Australia), Sunday Independent (Dublin) and La Libre Pensee Quebecoise.     Including 26 "Future Sex" articles for Penthouse FORUM Magazine between 1987 and 1989.


Francoeur, R.T. 2001 (Fall); 2002 (Winter). Some Implications of Religious/Civil Myths of Sex, Marriage and Family. Loving More Magazine (Boulder CO). No. 26 and 28. pp. 7-9, 22-24.


Visiting professor at 18 colleges, universities and medical schools, with numerous professional presentations  including the World Congress of Sociology (Montreal 1998, Mexico City 1978), the 1997 and 1998 American Anthropological Association meetings, various clergy groups, World Congresses of Sexology (Hong Kong, Heidelberg, Washington DC, Paris), World Future Conferences, ORTHO Pharmaceutical's 50th Anniversary Celebration, The France-North American Conference on the Burden of Freedom, the Orthopsychiatric Association, International Humanist Conferences, The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Led workshop on "Gender Diversities" for AT&T (June 2001). Annual presentations at meetings of  The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Address on "Mating Patterns, Health Communications, and HIV/AIDS in SubSaharan Africa" at the United Nations (January 2001) the International Institute for Applied Systems Research, Population Program (Vienna June 2001), and Morehouse School of Medicine (Atlanta GA).

Public Lectures at over 290 American and Canadian universities, plus corporations, local government agencies, and church groups.

North American and United Kingdom Television:

Over 375 regional radio and television shows, with multiple guest appearances on the A Current Affair, Dick Cavett Show, David Frost Show, Merv Griffin Show, Phil Donahue Show, Mort Downey Jr. Show, Joan Rivers Show, Today Show, 9 Broadcast Plaza, and several Canadian Public Broadcast television specials, including recent documentaries on sexual issues for The Discovery Channel (USA), History Channel (USA), Discovery Channel (Canada); seXtv (Canada), and Juniper and Carlton (HBO) TV (London).