Reproductive Behavior

Development of Sexual Behavior

Stages of Development: Adolescence

Reproductive Behavior

With puberty, young females and males also become capable of reproduction. In the developed countries, girls now have their first menstruation between the ages of 8 and 12, and boys have their first ejaculation between 12 and 14. This means that, physically, they can become parents at a very early age. However, as a rule, they are psychologically and socially unprepared and thus still unfit for parenthood.
Unfortunately, many adolescents begin sexual intercourse without a full understanding of its implications and without using contraception. Most often, the first coitus is unplanned and “just happens”. This is especially true for very young couples. However, a female who has begun menstruating may very well get pregnant “the first time”. Some couples take no precautions in any case and thus may eventually and unexpectedly have to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. This is a serious problem under the best of circumstances, but often the circumstances are far from good. Especially the female cannot escape the consequences. Even if a healthy baby is born and accepted, it is usually a burden to the young mother and to her own parents. However, all too often an abortion is seen as the only acceptable solution. Apart from everything else, this also puts a heavy burden on the female.
The problem of unwanted pregnancies can be solved only with early, adequate sexual health education. Only adolescents who understand the workings of their own bodies and who are familiar with contraception and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases can be rational and responsible in their reproductive behavior.





Great Britain

United States


Teenagers: Births and abortions in some countries (mid-1990s)
Rate per 1,000 women aged 15-19

Teenagers: Sexual intercourse in some countries (mid-1990s)
% of women 20-24 who had sexual intercourse in their teenage years



  By age 15



  By age 18



  By age 20


Source: Guttmacher Institute, New York, NY.


[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]