Stages of Development

Development of Sexual Behavior

Stages of Development

As already explained, the first sexual script human beings have to adopt is that which defines their “proper” gender role behavior. From the moment there are born, girls and boys are given different, gender-specific names. They are dressed differently and treated differently. As they grow into childhood, they are given different toys and are told what “real girls” and “real boys” are like and how they behave. Once they reach puberty, their gender roles have become internalized to a very great extent and shape their erotic expectations and behavior. Also, needless to say, the adoption of both of these scripts precedes any possible reproduction.
It follows that
it is an error to look for “natural differerences” in female and male “sexual” behavior. After all, both gender role behavior and erotic behavior are scripted. Moreover, gender role behavior is learned before erotic behavior and therefore colors it from the very beginning. The script for any possibly following reproductive behavior is then adopted on the basis of the two earlier scripts. In short, it is inappropriate to look for “nature” in what is largely the result of social learning. In any event, when it comes to human sexual behavior, it is extremely difficult to find the biological basis beneath its cultural superstructure.
Nevertheless, we know that the physical side of sex, i.e. a person’s sexual capacity, motivation, and performance, is subject to continuous changes throughout the life span. The adoption of sexual scripts may be more or less complete in adulthood, but the way in which they find expresssion in behavior also changes over the years.The following sections provide brief descriptions of these changes at various stages of life from infancy to old age.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]