On Call

Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Female Prostitution: On Call

Call Girls
“Call girls” are young prostitutes who advertise their services either themselves in newspapers and city magazines or work through an agency. A customer can call their telephone number and arrange a meeting in his home or hotel room. Many call girls have a list of customers whom they visit regularly.

Escort Services
“Escort services” advertise in newspapers, magazines and even telephone books (yellow pages), but increasingly also in the internet. Some of them specialize in “high class“ escorts, i.e. elegant, “presentable” women who combine good looks with good manners and are able to engage in serious conversation. Very often, they simply accompany wealthy men on business and social occasions and do not necessarily provide any sexual services. However, many agencies offer “escorts” for sexual purposes, and these women can be hired for several days or even weeks at a time, for example for an entire vacation trip.
Today, many “escort services” have their own web sites with photo galleries of their “adult entertainers”. They are simply agencies for female and male prostitutes who, because of their good looks can command a “good price”. They pay the agency either a flat fee for each assignment or a percentage of their earnings. In the meantime, the business has gained international dimensions.

Web site of an escort service
In many countries, escort services advertise in the internet. Some offer world-wide connections.The example shown here is a composite of several web sites. (In order to avoid easy identification, the names and the design have been changed. However, the text is authentic.)

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]