
Prohibited Sexual Behavior and Sexual Violence

Prostitution: Female Prostitution: Establishments

Most prostitutes work in special establishments such as brothels, night clubs, or private apartments. These places can greatly differ in size and in the comfort they provide. The working conditions differ accordingly, from horrible to luxurious. The women may be brutalized and exploited by the establishment owners, or they may be employed with a good income. Many of them are forced to wander from one establishment to another where, for a while, they are “new” for the customers. Some may be self-employed and merely rent some space in the establishment. Other self-employed women work in their own homes. In short, the picture is varied indeed.
Needless to say,
the exact forms of this kind of indoor prostitution depend on local conditions - the legal situation, building codes and zoning regulations, the intensity of law enforcement, the economic conditions in a particular city or country etc. Some establishments are typical only of certain regions and do not exist in others. There are also many “mixed” forms, with one type of enterprise blending into another. Finally, one has to remember that prostitution, like any other business, is constantly changing and adapting to new challenges. The following sections can therefore offer only a few examples.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Sex with Children] [Prostitution] [Sexual Violence] [Additional Reading] [Examination]