Erotic Behavior

Development of Sexual Behavior

Stages of Development: Adulthood

Erotic Behavior

Adult erotic behavior, just like gender role behavior, also follows a script or rather a combination of scripts. This is true even for the seemingly simple case of marital and non-marital coitus. The intrapsychic and interpersonal scripts at work here are colored by general cultural scripts about the meaning and importance of sexual intercourse, its purpose, ideal frequency and “normal” duration. These scripts also say where and when it should and should not take place, who should take the intiative etc. Finally, cultural scripts determine what other forms of sexual interaction besides coitus are prohibited or permitted and under which circumstances. All of this means that changes in the socio-cultural environment are also likely to lead to changes in individual erotic behavior.
For example, in the last half century, oral intercourse has become more common in both married and unmarried heterosexual couples in the US. This is undoubtedly due to an increasingly liberal social climate in all Western countries. This climate also first led to an increase in anal intercourse between homosexual men, but after the sudden appearance of AIDS, there was a dramatic decrease. In short:
The interactive sexual behavior of individuals, like any other social behavior, tends to reflect larger social changes.
However, there are always individuals who cling to older behavior patterns. A good example is the violence commited by men against women who try to achieve greater independence. Much of this violence is culturally scripted and a relic of patriarchal times, when male dominance was taken for granted. Some men still follow this now largely obsolete script and carry it over into their erotic relationships. This often results in sexual discord, dysfunction, and finally, a parting of ways.
On the positive side, many couples today achieve greater harmony, especially in their later years, because they now feel free to abandon traditional stereotypes. Ignoring the established scripts for gender role behavior and erotic behavior, they become more creative and indivualistic in their relationships. As a result, they also find greater satisfaction.
Apart fom all that, however, it must be remembered that adulthood is the stage of life when the the results of childhood and adolescent sexual scripting become apparent. The individual erotic preferences fully manifest themselves and reveal remarkable differences from one individual to the next. Accordingly, one finds different adults engaging in one, several, many, or all
types of sexual behavior.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Introduction] [Stages] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]