Apposition of Sex Organs

Basic Types of Sexual  Behavior

2. Heterosexual Intercourse: Genital Intercourse

Apposition of Sex Organs

Couple in loving embrace.
Hindu temple in Khajuraho, central India.

When unmarried teenagers first begin to experiment with sexual intercourse, they often avoid the insertion of the penis into the vagina because they fear an unwanted pregnancy, or because the girl wants to preserve her "virginity". However, since at least the boys usually become highly aroused during their loveplay, girls sometimes allow them to reach orgasm by "heavy petting". For example, a girl who does not feel very excited herself may encourage her boyfriend to go through the motions of coitus while lying fully clothed on top of her. Most boys easily reach orgasm this way, and, among themselves, they refer to the experience as "dry humping". As their girl friends gradually allow them more liberties, they may remove some or most of their clothing, and eventually the couple may even decide to continue their experiments in complete nudity. Nevertheless, the girl may, for a while, still fear a conception or want to keep an unbroken hymen. She may also worry about bleeding and pain, or an infection with a sexually transmitted disease. Still, she may gladly permit her boyfriend to rub his penis against her vulva, as long as he does not try to insert it. Indeed, such an apposition of the male and female sex organs can be quite pleasant for both partners, and, with some practice, both of them may very well become able to reach orgasm through this technique. After all, the penis is stimulated directly, and, as it pushes against certain areas of the vulva, it can indirectly stimulate the sensitive clitoris and the minor lips. Even couples who normally engage in coitus may sometimes enjoy this simple form of sexual intercourse, if the woman's internal sex organs become too sensitive because of some injury or disease.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [1. Self-stimulation] [2. Heterosexual] [3. Homosexual] [4. Contact with Animals] [Variations] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]