7. Transsexuals

Variations in Sexual Behavior

Sexual Minorities: 7. Transsexuals

Harry Benjamin
a German-born American physician, a disciple of
Eugen Steinach and friend of Magnus Hirschfeld, wrote the first extensive study of transsexualism.

The term “transsexualism” first appeared in a scientific paper in the 1920s, but it gained wider currency with the publication of Harry Benjamin’s book “The Transsexual Phenomenon” in 1966. Benjamin was the first to make an extensive study of transsexualism, to educate the general public about it, and to devise some systematic ways to help the individuals in question. His ideas were developed further by younger colleagues who formed an association in his name. Today, it is known as The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).
The issues involved here are too complex for an adequate discussion in the present course. They will be the subject of another, special course on gender. However, in the following sections we can provide at least some background information that may help in understanding why many transsexuals have organized as a minority.

[Course 6] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Development] [Basic Types] [Variations] [Sexual Rights] [Sexual Rights 2] [Sexual Rights 3] [History] [Two Examples] [Sexual Minorities: Intro] [Prohibited Behavior] [Additional Reading] [Examination]