Table 1

Female and Male Sexual Dysfunctions -
A New Terminology

Table1: Female and Male Sexual Dysfunctions: New Definitions (General)

Sexual Dysfunctions
General Overview
Since the sexual responses are comparable in both sexes, their sexual dysfunctions are also comparable.
Generally speaking, there are two kinds of dysfunctions:
1. Problems of tumescence, and 2. problems of orgasm.
In women only, there is a third possible dysfunction: Vaginismus, i.e. an involuntary vaginal spasm preventing the insertion of the penis.

In Females


(vaginal spasm)


In Both Females

 and Males

Problems of

(insufficient blood  sup
indicating a lack of


(unsatisfactory timing of or


ply to the sex organs,
 physical arousal).

 of Orgasm

gasm; absence of orgasm).

[Course 5] [New Terminology] [Similarities] [Differences] [Table 1] [Table 2 Intro]