Similarities in Female and Male Dysfunctions

Female and Male Sexual Dysfunctions -
A New Terminology

Similarities in Female and Male Dysfunctions
Most often, sexual dysfunctions are defined in relation to the ability to perform or enjoy coitus. Thus, both the male and female sexual responses can be dysfunctional in three ways:

  1. Coitus cannot begin, because the sex organs do not show the necessary initial reaction (lack of physical arousal, i.e. lack of tumescence in either sex and vaginismus in women).
  2. Coitus is frustrating because, in the opinion of one or both partners, orgasm occurs either too early or too late (unsatisfactory timing of orgasm).
  3. No orgasm is reached at all (absence of orgasm). A modern, more adequate terminology should reflect these basic physiological facts and thereby in able both the therapists and the patients to arrive at a precise diagnosis of the problem at hand. The terms should be applicable to both sexes, just as they already are when it comes to describing the human sexual response. In short, it would be very helpful for everyone concerned if, in the future female and male sexual dysfunctions would be listed in a different way:

[Course 5] [New Terminology] [Similarities] [Differences] [Table 1] [Table 2 Intro]