A Self-help Program

The Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions - Sex Therapy

The “Classic” Dysfunctions - The Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunctions

Absence of Orgasm - Treatment

A Self-help Program
The American sex therapists
Julia R. Heiman and Joseph LoPiccolo have developed a self-help program for women who want to become orgasmic. The program uses both a step-by-step manual  and a training video. The combination has proved remarkably effective with many women. (“Becoming Orgasmic: A Sexual & Personal Growth Program for Women”, Simon and Schuster Adult Publishing Group 1987).

The self-help program uses both a step-by-step manual (left) and a training video (right). The combination has proved remarkably effective with many women.

[Course 5] [Treatment] [Mutual Pleasuring] [Female Superior] [Side-by-side] [Self-help Program] [PC Muscle] [Vibrators]