Pain during sexual intercourse

The Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions - Sex Therapy

Pain during sexual intercourse

Some women and men experience pain during sexual intercourse. Older textboooks refer to this as "dyspareunia" (gr. not fitting together). However, this term explains nothing. It is no more helpful for any diagnosis than “cough” or “reddening of the skin”. Thus, it is too imprecise and, in fact, misleading to be useful to sexologists. In any case, it is always necessary to find the cause of the pain and then to proceed from there.

There are a variety of possible physical causes, from injuries and sexually transmitted infections to degenerative diseases. In women, there may be clitoral adhesions, in men the beginnings of Peyronie's disease (lat. induratio penis plastica, i.e. an increasing curvature of the penis) There may also be purely psychological causes like anxiety and tension.

The treatment will be different depending on the individual case. It may range from medication and surgery to counseling and psychotherapy.

[Course 5] [Particular Problems] [Sexual Aversion] [Inhibited Desire] [Painful intercourse]