Mutual Adjustment

The Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions - Sex Therapy

The “Classic” Dysfunctions - The Treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunctions

Unsatisfactory Timing of Orgasm - Treatment
Mutual Adjustment
Finally, it should be remembered that there is no such thing as an ill-timed orgasm for people who are alone. The problem arises only in relation to another person, and it can therefore always be defined from two different points of view: 1. "The man's orgasm comes too soon," and 2. "The woman's orgasm comes too late". Thus, a woman may find the timing of a man's orgasm unsatisfactory because it occurs several minutes before she herself is satisfied. However, the same man may very well be able to satisfy another woman with quicker responses. In short: The timing of orgasms is basically a matter of a couple's mutual adjustment, and, in many cases, it may well be the woman who can contribute most toward this goal. At any rate, she should know that, with her help, practically every man can learn to delay his orgasm as long as either of them want it delayed. In recent years, sex therapists have developed some simple exercises which can help men and women make their sexual intercourse last longer. Occasionally, an especially frustrated and maladjusted couple may need professional guidance in learning and practising these exercises. Still, many couples may also be able to make the adjustment on their own.

[Course 5] [Treatment] [Other Forms] [Practising Alone] [PC Muscle] [Mutual Adjustment] ["Squeeze Technique"] ["Stuffing" Exercise] [Remove Pressure] [Manual Stimulation]