
Female and Male Sexual Dysfunctions -
”Classic” Dysfunctions


We speak of a sexual dysfunction when an individual's sexual response is significantly impaired. This can be an occasional, frequent or permanent problem.

Notes of Caution:

  1. This is a "soft" definition and open to interpretation. After all, what degree of impairment is "significant" and to whom?
  2. Most often, sexual dysfunction is defined in relation to the ability to perform or enjoy coitus (vaginal intercourse). Thus, it is basically seen as a problem arising between partners of different sex.
  3. The term has rarely been applied to same-sex couples and to sexual self-stimulation, but this may be changing. However, in these cases, the problem acquires a slightly different character, and so does its solution.
  4. In the present context, we restrict ourselves to the dysfunctions preventing or interfering with coitus.

[Course 5] ["Classic" Dysfunctions] [Definition] [Confusing Terms] [New Terminology] [Causes] [Prevalence] [What can be done?] [Some Lessons]