Symptoms and Diagnosis

Physical Problems in Females


Symptoms and Diagnosis
Women may have endometriosis without having any symptoms. Those with symptoms may experience periodic pelvic pain and suffer from infertility. The pain is usually felt just before or during menstruation and lessens after that. In some women the pain gets worse over time, in others it disappears without treatment. There are other possible symptoms as well: Lower back pain, diarrhea or constipation, headaches, and still other problems. Obviously, much depends on where the endometrial tissue is located and how extensive it is. However, there is no direct correlation between the severity of the pain and extension of endometriosis. The disease is highly individual and presents different pictures in different women. Women who suspect that they might have it should consult a physician for a correct diagnosis.
The diagnosis of endometriosis usually proceeds in two steps: A pelvic exam and a laparoscopy. A pelvic exam can sometimes reinforce the suspicion of endometriosis. When doctors explore the pelvic area with both hands (bimanual examination), they may be able to feel multiple tender nodules on some ligaments or other abnormalities. A following laparoscopy will then confirm or disprove the suspicion. If endometriosis is indeed found, it will be classified as mild, moderate, severe, or extensive. This classification, in turn, will be helpful in determining the treatment options.

Pelvic exam
A complete pelvic examination actually consists of two complementary examinations, one visual, and the other tactile. (From the right) 1. The speculum is an instrument that helps the doctor to look inside the vagina. 2. Inserted speculum 3. In a bimanual pelvic exam, the doctor uses both hands (one inside the body, the other outside) to explore the pelvic interior and to feel any possible abnormalities.

[Course 3] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Problems in Females] [Clitoral Adhesions] [PMS] [Lower Abdominal Pain] [Endometriosis] [Problems in Males] [Intersexuality] [Additional Reading] [Examination]