Premature Birth


The Woman During Pregnancy: Possible Problems and Complications

Premature baby in incubator

Premature Birth
A miscarriage during the last trimester is called stillbirth. However, the closer the normal date of delivery is at hand, the greater is the chance for survival of the fetus. It is possible (although quite rare) that a fetus born toward the end of the sixth month might survive. After seven months, the chance of survival is fairly good and increases even further during the eighth month. Premature babies are put in specially designed incubators which help them to develop normally. Naturally, in all of these cases expert care is important.
The causes of premature births are not always clear. It has been suggested that certain illnesses or other maternal problems might be responsible. Indeed, there is some evidence that heavy smoking on the part of the expectant mother may be a contributing factor. In the United States, the premature birth rate has lately hovered between 10 and 12 percent. Improved care could probably reduce this number to below 8 percent in the future.

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