Ectopic Pregnancy


The Woman During Pregnancy: Possible Problems and Complications

Ectopic Pregnancy
In very rare cases, the implantation of a fertilized egg (blastocyst) occurs outside the uterus, thus causing a so-called ectopic pregnancy (Literally: out-of-place pregnancy. From gr. ek=away and topos=place). Such a pregnancy cannot lead to the birth of a baby and is dangerous to the expectant mother. It must therefore be terminated by surgery.
Some women may not feel any symptoms, or they feel just the symptoms of a normal pregnancy. Others feels that something could be amiss, because they experience vaginal bleeding or spotting, abdominal cramps or pain and/or back pain. In any case, regular medical check-ups during pregnancy will discover whether it is ectopic.  Blood tests and a vaginal ultrasound examination can confirm it. Ectopic pregnancies may occur in various places inside the body, but most of them occur in one of the Fallopian tubes.

Some possible sites of ectopic implantations.

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