

Methods of Contraception: Contraceptive Methods for Either Sex

Sexual abstinence is the most obvious way of avoiding pregnancy. However, people do not always realize that the abstinence does not have to be total in order to achieve this goal. Pregnancy can also be avoided by abstaining from coitus while engaging in all other forms of sexual intercourse. Finally, as the “rhythm method” of contraception illustrates, temporary abstinence can be sufficient, and even coitus can be practiced as long as it does not take place on the woman’s fertile days. Therefore, one may speak of three kinds of sexual abstinence that avoid pregnancy:
1. Total abstinence, 2. abstinence from coitus, and 3. abstinence from coitus only during the woman’s fertile days.

[Course 2] [Description] [How to use it] [Introduction] [Conception] [Pregnancy] [Birth] [Infertility] [Contraception] [A Complex Issue] [Methods of Contracep.] [Abortion] [Additional Reading] [Examination]