Old Silent Assumptions



就某种意义来说,“性治疗”从人类出现的那一刻起就存在了。甚至当对人体及其性反应尚了解匮乏之时,牧师、道士、江湖郎中(medicine men)或“明慧女人”(推测起来,此处可能指巫婆——译者注)试图用祷告、魔法或某些民间秘方来治疗各类性问题。


性治疗中最为常见的无根无据的定势思维是迷信“自然的”人类的性(human sexuality)(此处,所谓“自然的”,按照西方宗教的观念就是上帝的,因为上帝创造的世界就是自然的世界,上帝的旨意就是自然的法则。——译者注)迷信治疗师的公正;而这些治疗师同时既为其病人的权益服务也维护他们所生活的社会的权益。(因为,性治疗必定会涉及到个人的隐私、性态度、性观念,而这些有时会与社会公众的权益发生冲突。所以,著者的暗喻应该不言自明。——译者注。)

Critical Introduction - Old Silent Assumptions


"Sex therapy" in one sense or another is as old as mankind. Even when the human body and its sexual response were poorly understood, priests, shamans, medicine men or "wise women" tried to treat sexual problems of various kinds by means of prayer, magic or some secret potion.

As the human anatomical and physiological knowledge increased over the centuries, such treatments became more sophisticated and more effective. However, as before, they were based on certain silent and never questioned assumptions. Indeed, such assumptions are still made by many therapists as well as by their patients or clients today.

The most common silent assumptions of sex therapy are
the belief in a "natural" human sexuality and the belief in the impartiality of the therapist who simultaneously serves the interests of both his patients and of the society in which they live.

[Course 5] [Critical Introduction] [Sexual Health] [Silent Assumptions] [1. "Natural" Sexuality] [2. Impartiality?]