3. Orgasm

The Sexual Response - The Male Response

The Response Cycle: An Observed Pattern, not a Norm


3. 高潮期   Orgasm

性高潮(Orgasm 自希腊语:orgasmos 贪欲的兴奋)是肌肉和神经张力在性兴奋顶峰的一种骤然释放。性高潮体验代表着最强烈的身体愉悦。人类有能力体验这种身体愉悦,而且在男在女都基本相同。一次性高潮仅持续秒钟,它是一种让人感到非常像痉挛的身体反应或涉及全身的一连串抽搐,而且不久会导致全身放松。


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Some general observations
Orgasm (gr. orgasmos: lustful excitement) is the sudden release of muscular and nervous tension at the climax of sexual excitement. The experience represents the most intense physical pleasure of which human beings are capable and is basically the same for males and females. An orgasm lasts only a few seconds and is felt very much like a short seizure or rather a quick succession of convulsions which involve the whole body and soon lead to complete relaxation.

[Course 1] [Response Cycle] [1. Excitement] [2. Plateau] [3. Orgasm] [Ejaculation] [Multiple Orgasms etc.] [4. Resolution]