1. Excitement

The Sexual Response
- The Male Response


1. 兴奋期



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The Response Cycle: An Observed Pattern, not a Norm

1. Excitement

Some general observations
Sexual excitement may mount rather unexpectedly and quickly, particularly in younger men, but it may also build up gradually over a longer period of time. In fact, some individuals deliberately distract themselves repeatedly, in order to prolong and savor their experience of becoming aroused. Especially in its early stages, sexual excitement can easily be reduced by some outside interference or by sudden anxieties or apprehensions. However, with increasing tension such negative influences become less and less effective. The ability for self-control is impaired, and the usual inhibitions are swept away.

[Course 1] [Response Cycle] [1. Excitement] [Penis] [Scrotum etc.] [2. Plateau] [3. Orgasm] [4. Resolution]