Mons Veneris, Major and Minor Lips

The Sex Organs
- The Female Sex Organs

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阴阜[ Mons Veneris (拉丁语:维拉斯的山脉) ]由恰好覆盖耻骨、位于皮下的脂肪组织所组成。其表面,覆盖着阴毛。阴毛在青春期首次萌发,并且使得她在阴户是最显著的结构。



The Mons Veneris
The Mons Veneris (lat.: mountain of Venus) consists of fatty tissue under the skin just over the pubic bone. On the outside, the area is covered with pubic hair, which first develops during puberty, and which makes the mons veneris by far the most conspicuous part of the vulva.



大阴唇[major lips (拉丁语 大的下唇)]是两片厚实和脂肪性的皱褶,它从阴阜往下延伸,形成阴户的外缘边界。其表面,像阴阜一样覆盖者阴毛。因为大阴唇通常闭合并列,似乎覆盖着阴户的其余部分。


The Major Lips

The major lips (lat. labia majora) are two thick and fatty folds of skin which extend from the mons Veneris downward, forming the outer borders of the vulva. On the outside, they are also covered with hair just as the mons Veneris. As the major lips usually lie close together, they seem to keep the other parts of the vulva covered.



恰恰在大阴唇之下,展开着小阴唇[minor lips (拉丁语 小的下唇)],它们是两片富有血管和神经末梢的粘膜皱褶,使得它们对触觉相当敏感。两侧小阴唇在顶部汇合,形成覆盖阴蒂的单一皮肤皱褶。该皮肤皱褶也称为阴蒂包皮,或简称为阴蒂帽。


The Minor Lips
Just beneath the major lips lie the minor lips (lat. labia minora). These are two thin folds of skin richly endowed with blood vessels and nerve endings. As a result, they are quite sensitive to the touch. The minor lips merge at the top forming a single fold of skin covering the clitoris. This fold is also called the foreskin or prepuce of the clitoris, or simply the clitoral hood.

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